Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 4 Dec 1973
Chinese A r t Exhibition: featuring works of Chinese calligraphy , painting, seal-engraving, carving, pottery and prints of local artists; Seminars: lectures and discussions on modern Chinese philosophy, literature, art, history and policies on arts and literature in the Mainland; Film Shows: Chinese films of outstanding artistic merit from the 30's to date; Drama Nite: The University Student Union has organised three Drama Nites since its inception, and this year's Third Drama Nite was incorporated into the programme of the Chinese Cultural Festival. Three one-act plays were staged in collaboration with local drama groups; Chinese Cultural Nite: featuring Chinese folk songs, folk dances and performances on musical instruments; Interdepartmental Singing Competition: songs for competition were all Chinese songs; University Open Day: The highlight of the Festival was the University Open Day on 17th November , when nearly sixty thousand visitors came to tour the campus. Buildings open t o the visitors included the Benjamin Franklin Centre, the Institute of Chinese Studies, the University Library, the University Science Centre and the student hostels of the three Colleges. PERSONAL IA Appointments Dr . Tung Yan Chi, Dental Surgeon, University Health Service Mr. Law Yue Sun, Yica, Administrative Assistant (Probationary), University Secretariat (Personnel Section) Miss Julia Woo Ning, Administrative Assistant (Probationary), University Science Centre Mrs. Mary E. Litchfield, Temporary Probationary Assistant Librarian, University Library Mr . Dennis L i Kin-keung, Demonstrator i n Computer Science, United College Promotion Miss Rosemary Leung, Administrative Assistant, Appointments Service LECTURES • Prof. T. Parsons of Harvard University gave a lecture on "Education and International Phenomenon" on 1st November at the invitation of the Sociology Department of New Asia College. • Mr. L.Z. Yuan, Representative of The Asi a Foundation, delivered a talk on "How A Moder n Newspaper Is Produced" o n 1st November at the invitation of the Journalism Department of New Asia College. • Mr. Herbert L . Minich, Executive Director, American Chamber o f Commerce, gave a lecture on "The Role of Chambers of Commerce in the Business Wo r l d" on 2nd November at the invitation of the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration. • Prof. Tang Chun-i, Professor of Philosophy, New Asia College, delivered a lecture on "Observations on the Culture and Trends of Thought of the Modern Wo r l d" on 4th November at the invitation of the College's Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research and Faculty of Arts. • Prof. Robert Bishop of Michigan University gave a lecture on "What is Happening to the Mass Media? Western Europe: a Case Study" on 6th November at the invitation of the Journalism Department of New Asia College. • The Hon. J. Canning, Director of Education, Hong Kong, delivered a lecture on Government's "Green Paper on Education" on 9th November at the invitation of the University's School o f Education. • Mr. Ng Yu -Kwan, Tutor, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Chung Chi College, gave a talk on "Problems on the Theory of the Transformation of Consciousness in Yogacara School of Buddhism" on 9th November at the invitation of the Philosophy Departmental Club, New Asia College. • Dr. Yu Ying-Shih, President of New Asia College, gave a lecture on ' T he Characteristics of Chinese History" on 10th November at the invitation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Chinese Cultural Studies of the New Asia College Student Union. • The second Tenth Anniversary Lecture, which was on the humanities, was hel d on 12th November, The lecture, "Utopia and Reality: The Two Worlds in Red Chamber Dream", was delivered by Dr. Y u Ying-Shih, President of New Asia College. • Prof. Harold Papkoff, Professor o f Experimental Endocrinology, University of California, San Francisco , gave a talk on "Glycoproteins, with Special Reference to Gonadotropins” on 13th November. • Dr. Wong Yuk , Lecturer in Philosophy, New Asia College, gave a talk on "Ka rl Jaspers' Existentialism: Seven Modes of the Encompassing" on 16th November at the invitation of the Philosophy — 7 —
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