Bulletin Number Two 1984
Implementation of Provisional Acceptance Scheme in 1985 Starting from 1985 there w ill be three channels for admission to the University: Provisional Acceptance Scheme, Hong Kong Higher Level Examination and Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. Applicants who apply for admission to a course o f study leading to a Bachelor's degree under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme shall have satisfied the minimum University entrance requirements: 1. currently be enrolled in Middle 6 or Form 6 in school; 2. have satisfied the entry requirements o f the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination prescribed for the category o f school candidates; and 3. have sat for at least seven Hong Kong Certificate o f Education Examination subjects in one sitting o f the examination at the end o f Middle 5 or Form 5. In addition, they shall satisfy any additional require ments for admission into the Faculty or Streamwhich they intend to enter. Results o f the Hong Kong Certificate o f Educa tion Examination obtained at the end o f Middle 6, Form 6 or Form 7 are not acceptable for the purpose o f applying for admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme. Students who have taken the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination or the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination are also not eligible to apply for admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme. (They should apply through the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination or the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination channels.) Two- year sixth-formers who do not intend to enrol at the end o f Form 6 should not apply for admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme but should apply w ith Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination results at the end o f Form 7 instead. Form 7 students should also apply through the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination channel. Applications for admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme w ill normally be made between mid-September and early October preceding the year in which formal admission is sought. Short-listed applicants w ill be interviewed in late December and early January by teaching staff o f the Faculties or Streams in which they have indicated preferences for enrolment. Provisional offers w ill be granted to qualified applicants in February or early March. Those who have accepted the provisional offers w ill be required to indicate their preferences for the subjects which they wish to pursue as Potential Majors w ithin the Faculties or Streams which give them the provisional offers. Applicants from the one-year sixth-form stream who accept the provisional offers and obtain Grade E in at least five subjects (including Chinese Language and Literature and English Language) in one sitting o f the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination which takes place in the following April w ill be granted formal admission in July. Applicants from the two- year sixth-form stream who accept the provisional offers w ill be required to attend the Final Scholastic Assessment to be conducted by the University in early July. Those who obtain a pass in five papers in the assessment exercise (including Chinese Language and literature on current year Hong Kong Higher Level Examination Syllabus, Use o f English and three other selected Hong Kong Advanced Level Examina tion subjects which they are studying in school) w ill be granted formal admission in July. Applicants who are qualified for formal admission are required to enrol in the year the offers are made. 6 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
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