Bulletin Number Two 1984

A brief presentation was held on 15th March, when Mr. Robert Chan, General Manager o f the TVB, presented the cheque to the Vice-Chancellor. The research comprises six projects conducted by eleven academics from social science disciplines: Sociology, Psychology, Social Work, Government and Public Administration, and Journalism and Communication; w ith Dr. Pedro Ng, Senior Lecturer in Sociology asprogramme coordinator. These projects include: (1) the role o f television in the socialization o f the young, (2) fictional television stories and the acquisition o f values, (3) patterns o f media use in relation to leisure needs and family communication, (4) television watching and living in confined environ ments, (5) the political role and functions o f the mass media, and (6) roles and functions o f television as perceived by television producers and government officials. Methods applied include questionnaire surveys and interviews, field experiment, and case studies. G ifts fro m German Research Society The Consul-General o f the Federal Republic o f Germany, Dr. Alfred Kuehn, visited the University on 22nd March and donated a collection o f research periodicals in music to the University on behalf o f the German Research Society (DFG) in Bonn, West Germany. The donation, which contains bound volumes o f Melos, D ie M usikforschung and Neue Z e its c h rift f ür M u s ik dating from 1946 to 1975, was received by the Vice-Chancellor. The German Research Society (DFG) has assisted the University's Music Department in the past in obtaining musical materials from Germany, and this latest donation is by far the largest in scope. It is expected to be particularly useful for faculty research in both Western and Asian music as well as for the graduate programme in Musicology. Professorial Inaugu ral Le cture Professor David P. Davies, Professor o f Paediatrics, delivered his Professorial Inaugural Lecture, 'Harmony and Discord', on 30th March. CU Students Won 4 th In te rva rsity Games and 2nd ‘ Varsity Challenge ’ * The Chinese University o f Hong Kong student team has won the championship o f the fourth Inter varsity Gaines. Intervarsity Games is an annual event jo in tly organized by the Student Unions o f the two local universities. The year's Gaines featured up to twenty-six sports events conducted from 15th to 19th January. * The three-member Chinese University debating team captured the year's winning title at the second ‘Varsity Challenge , staged on 25th March at RTHK's Broadcasting House. Miss Lam Mei-sau o f the Depart ment o f Government and Public Administration also won the award for the best speaker. The University's team spoke for the motion 'The Urban Council should be scrapped now that district boards are fu lly operational'. Adjudicators for the debate were The Hon. Mr. Justice Li, The Hon. Maria Tam, Mr. Allen Lee, Dr. Daniel Tse and Mr. Chung King-fai. The event was transmitted live on television. 'Varsity Challenge' is an annual function first organized in 1983 by the Student Affairs Offices o f the two local universities. L i Ping Medical L ibrary in Use On 16th January the Li Ping Medical Library opened in the Prince o f Wales Hospital. This is the clinical library for the Faculty o f Medicine and the fourth branch library o f the University Library System. Located on the second floor o f the Clinical Sciences Building, the Library occupies a total floor area o f 900 square metres and carries a fu ll range o f approximately 900 journal titles and 5551 book/ bound journal volumes in most clinical areas o f medicine. Audio-visual software in film , slide, audio tape, and video tape formats w ill be a part o f the collection. Pre-clinical books and journals w ill continue to be located in the University Library Building. Interlibrary loan o f photocopy articles is available to University faculty at the Prince o f Wales Hospital or on the main campus. Information Retrieval Services (MEDLINE) are also available. The Medical Media Section, which w ill include medical photography, medical art, audio-visual, and television, w ill be set up later in the spring in the Prince o f Wales Hospital. A lecture theatre w ith complete AV/TV capability w ill be available. The new lib ra ry had been established w ith a generous g ift o f $1.5 m illion from Mr. Allan H.C. Li, Mr. Robert K.C. I i and their brothers, in memory o f their father, Mr. I i Ping. - G. V. S. NEWS 3