Bulletin Number Two 1984
Seminars • Concerts • Exhibitions * The Department o f Chemistry organized the following lectures and seminars: — ‘Some Studies on Unstable Intermediates' by Professor B. Capon o f the Department o f Chemistry, University o f Hong Kong, on 2nd March; — 'Industrial Chemistry, Corporate Research and Development — the Dow Experience' by Mr. D. Dalman, Manager o f the East Asia R & D , Dow Chemical (H.K.) Ltd. on 3rd March; - ‘Host-Guest Chemistry Application to Separation, Resolution, and Steveoselective Reaction' by Professor Fumio Toda o f the Department o f Industrial Chemistry, Univer sity o f Ehime, Japan on 21st March; — ‘Clusters: the Shape o f Things to Come' by Dr. Brian F.G. Johnson o f the University Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge University on 30th March; — 'Plastics Industry in Hong Kong and the Injection Moulding Process' by Mr. Peter Fung and Ms. Mary Kong, Senior Develop ment Engineers o f Dow Chemicals (H.K.) Ltd. on 31st March. * The Department o f Philosophy presented the following lectures : — ‘Is Man Free or Determined? - the Freudian, Sartrean and Zen Buddhist Approaches' by Professor Charles Fu o f the Department o f Religion, Temple University on 6th March; — 'The Problems Faced by the Reconstruction o f Confucian and Buddhist Doctrines o f the Human Mind and Human Nature' by Professor Charles Fu on 8th March; — 'Confucian Ethics and Moral Education in Singapore' by Dr. Martin Lu o f the Depart ment o f Philosophy, University o f Singapore on 12th March. * Professor Tsung-yi Lin, Head o f the Department o f Psychiatry, the University o f British Columbia, and the first Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow o f Chung Chi College, spoke on 'Mental Health and Family Values' on 2nd March. In conjunction w ith the lecture, a book exhibition on ‘Mental Health' was held at Chung Chi College lib ra ry from 21st February to 3rd March. * The Institute o f Chinese Studies and the Depart ment o f History co-sponsored a seminar on 8th March. Professor Chang Chun-shu, Richard Hudson Professor o f History, University o f Michigan, Ann Arbor, U.S.A. (presently Visiting Professor o f History o f this Uni versity) spoke on 'History, Archaeology, and Regional Significance: Reflections on Recent Travels and Archaeological Fieldwork in Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang'. * Dr. German E. Berrios, Director o f Medical Studies and Fellow o f Robinson College, University o f Cambridge, and Visiting Scholar o f the Department o f Psychiatry, lectured on ‘Recent Developments in Depressive Illness: Physical Treatments o f Depressive Illness' on 13th March. * The Department o f Physiology presented a seminar on 'The Lymphatic Pump' on 16th March. The speaker was Professor I.C. Roddie o f the Depart ment o f Physiology, Medical Biology Centre, the Queen's University o f Belfast. * The United College organized the following lectures by the College's Resident Fellows: — 'Experiences o f a Faculty Member in Guang zhou in 1966-75' by Professor Zhou Jiong Liang o f Zhongshan Medical College on 19th March; — 'Insulin in China' by Mr. Zhu Shang Quan o f Shanghai Institute o f Biochemistry on 26th March. ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS 21
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