Bulletin Number One 1982
Cultural Events * Dr. Clark Kerr, formerly President o f the University o f California and Chairman o f the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education, gave the keynote address entitled "The Centrality of General Educa tion " at the 1981-82 Annual Education Conference o f Chung Chi College o f the University. The Con ference, organized by the Education Committee o f the College, was held on 6th January, 1982. Varying from year to year, the theme o f the Conference for this year was "General Education", on which Dr. Kerr was acknowledged to be the best person to speak. * Professor C.N. Yang, Nobel laureate in physics and Einstein Professor at the State University o f New York at Stonybrook, visited The United College in January 1982 as Distinguished Resident Scholar o f the College. During his month-long stay, Professor Yang took part in a series o f academic activities and social functions organized by the staff and students o f the College, including workshops, seminars, forums, tea parties and high table dinners. One such activity was a symposium on "Science, Technology and Civilization" conducted by Professor Yang on 18th January. Professor Yang also gave a public lecture, titled " Symmetry and the Physics o f the 20th Century", on 21st January. * Professor Stuart R. Schram, a leading authority on the thought o f Mao Zedong, visited the United College as Distinguished Resident Scholar from 13th to 26th April, 1982. During the two-week visit, he gave a series o f lectures on "Mao Zedong: A Pre liminary Assessment" entitled "The Apprenticeship o f a Revolutionary, 1917-1937 ” , "A Quarter Century o f Achievement, 1937-1962" and "The Final Phase: from Apotheosis to Oblivion". He also took part in other academic activities organized by both staff and students o f the College. Professor Schram is currently Professor o f Politics w ith reference to China at the School o f Oriental and African Studies, University o f London. * Professor William Theodore de Bary, John Mitchell Mason Professor o f Columbia University, New York, was invited by New Asia College as speaker o f the 1982 Ch'ien Mu Lecture Series, which commenced on 16th February. Professor de Bary, a leading scholar in East Asia Studies, delivered four lectures on the theme o f "Human Renewal and the Liberal Spirit in Neo- Confucianism". The topics were: "Human Renewal and the Repossession o f the Way"; "The Liberal Spirit in Neo-Confucian Education"; "Neo-Confucian Individualism and Humanitarianism" and "Ming Neo-Confucianism and the Liberal Thought o f Huang Tsung-hsi". New Asia College established the Ch'ien Mu Lecture Series in 1978 , hoping to further the pre servation and development o f the Confucian tradition through college education. * The New Asia S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow o f 1982 , Professor Ho Yu-sen of the Chinese Department o f National Taiwan University, began his month-long visit to New Asia College in mid-March. During his stay , he gave a lecture on "Learning in the Ch'ing Dynasty" on 26th March and took part in discussions and meetings w ith staff and students o f the College for the exchange o f ideas and experience. The- New Asia S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellows Programme was established in 1981 w ith a generous donation from Mr. S.Y. Chung, a prominent local industrialist, for the promotion o f academic and cultural interchange. The first Visiting Fellow o f this Programme was Professor Chien Wei-zang o f Qing Hua University, Beijing, China. * The United College launched a Business Auto mation Week on 15th February, 1982 as one o f the activities commemorating its Silver Jubilee. The Week featured lectures on business automation and com puter applications given by Mr. George Cheng, Vice- President o f the Bank o f America, and Dr. Vincent Lum o f the IBM San José Research Laboratory. 23
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