Bulletin Number One 1982
Personnel Section o f the Registry (now the Secretariat), rising from Administrative Assistant to Assistant Secretary in 1969, and to Senior Assistant Secretary in 1977. With the rapid expansion o f the University and its reorganization in 1977 , her responsibility has also grown tremendously, which, apart from tending to the daily personnel matters o f a staff o f 2,000, includes among other things a great deal o f committee work on procedures, rules and terms o f service. While to many staff members but a calm, efficient and conscientious administrator looking after their leaves, passages and visas, she is well known to close associates as the cheerful and indefatigable colleague who can always be depended on to rise to challenges, meet deadlines and keep confidentiality; as the warm, kind-hearted person who never hesitates to help out on personal problems, big or small; as the loving mother o f her two daughters, 15 and 16, and a truly devout Christian. Mr. K.H. Wong, a church minister, emigrated to the United States in the early seventies, while Christine stayed on to bring her children up in a Chinese environment. With the reorganization o f the University, Christine was persuaded to delay her departure once and then again. But the time has now finally come for the whole family to reunite in California, and those who have been associated w ith her would feel a heavy loss for a long time to come. ____________ _______________ _________ - F .C Chen D r. Liu Pak-wai Dr. Liu Pak-wai was bom in Hong Kong, where he also received his primary and secondary education. In 1967, he went to the United States for further studies and undertook training in several disciplines. As an undergraduate he majored in Physics and obtained his B.A. degree from Princeton University in 1971. For his graduate work , he specialized in Education and Economics at Stanford University, and graduated w ith degrees in Education (M.A. 1975) and Economics (M.A. 1975, Ph.D. 1977). In 1981-82 he was aVisiting Scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University. Dr. Liu joined The Chinese University in 1976 as Lecturer in Economics and taught courses in Economic Theory, Comparative Economic Systems and Socialist Economics to both graduates and under graduates. As an economist he is interested in both theoretical and empirical issues and has written on subjects in manpower planning, human capital and human resources, economics o f education, labour market analysis, household economics, income distribution, economics o f contracting and Chinese economic development. His published articles appear in both Chinese and English in numerous international journals, such as Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economic Inquiry, Economic Letters, Journal o f Comparative Economics and Zeitschrift f ür Nationalökonomie, and other edited volumes. Over the years, Dr. Liu has made substantial contributions to academic and community affairs. He sat on many boards and committees at this University, and was Chairman o f the Social Science Faculty Admission Committee (1980-81). Dr. Liu served as a member o f the Policy Advisory Board o f the Hong Kong Examinations Authority. He is also deeply concerned about student welfare and served as the Dean o f Students at United College in 1978-79. ____________ - F.C Wong Dr. Stanislaus Hu The background and experience are quite typical of many local Chinese o f his generation: born o f a Shanghai business family during the War, came to Hong Kong around 1949 as a small boy, graduated from one o f the local schools (in this case Wah Yan College) in the late fifties, went overseas for some ten years o f higher education and came back for a professional or business career thereafter. And so it went for Dr. Stanislaus Hu, except perhaps that the several degrees he collected formed an unusual com bination - B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (1965), MBA in Management/Marketing (1967) and Ph.D. in Administration (1975 ), all at Ohio University; and that he accumulated considerable working experience in many fields - engineering, computer applications, and university teaching - before returning to join the University in 1977 , first as Lecturer in the Computer Science Department, then moving to the Three-year MBA Programme as Lecturer and Associate Director in 1980, and to the Computer Services Centre as the Director in 1981. His many qualifications and wide administrative experience, especially in electronic data processing, should stand him in good stead for his latest appointment as the Deputy Secretary o f the University from 1st August, 1982. He would remain the Director o f the Computer Services Centre on concurrent basis. A jo lly , easy-going person who easily wins the heart o f students and colleagues alike by his casual, open style, Stan is also a devoted family man w ith a charming wife and two young children, who nevertheless also drives himself hard at work and, while taking up his third job in two years, still hopes to prove to all comers his proclaimed prowess at ping-pong. —F.C. Chen 11
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