Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 7 Apr–May 1974

Philosophy and Religion, Chung Chi College, t o give a lecture on "Philosophy in America Toda y" on 19th March. • M r . Lee Kong, Economics Editor of the Wah Kiu Yat Po, at the invitation of the United College Business Administration Society, gave a talk on ‘ ‘A Study of the 1974-75 Government Budget” on 27th March. • D r. Byron S.J. Weng of the Department of Government an d Public Administration, United College, gave a talk on " The Foreign Policy of China" on 27th Ma r ch at the invitation of the College's History Society. • A t a seminar sponsored by the New Asia/ Beaver Exchange Programme, President Y.S. Y ü of New Asia College gave a talk on "Ch i na Today - as Viewed f r om the Studies of Chinese H i s t o r y" on 3rd April. • Dr. E . C .M. Young of Physics Department , University of Hong Ko ng lectured on “ The Search for Solar Neutrinos” on 8th Ap r il at the University Science Centre. • A t the j o i nt invitation of the Research Institute and Faculty of Arts of New Asia College, Prof. Shih Hsio-yen of the Department of Fine Arts gave a lecture on “ N ew Archaeology in Ch i na” on 10th Ap r i l. • The Tenth Anniversary Lecture — Commerce and Social Science - on "Competition Policy: Look i ng Ahead" was delivered on 17th Ap r il by Prof. E.T. Grether, Flood Professor of Economics and Dean of the Schools of Business Administration, Emeritus, Universit y of California. • New Asia College held its monthly meeting on 19th Ap r i l, at which M r . Sun Kuo-tung of the History Department gave a talk on " The Evaluation and Appreciation of Historical Personalities". • A t the invitation of the Chinese Cultural Society of the Student Un i on of New Asia College, D r . Joseph Needham, F.R.S., Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, gave a lecture on "China's Influence on Science" on 25th April. Dr. Needham gave another lecture on 2nd May on ‘‘The Concept of the Elixir, and Medical Chemistry in East and West" at the invitation of the Boards of Studies i n Biology and Biochemistry, I I I . Concerts • Under the j o i nt sponsorship of the Goethe Institute and the Hong Ko ng Arts Festival Society, M r . Wilhel m K r umbach presented an organ recital on 2nd March. Proceeds of the recital were donated to the Chung Chi Organ Fund. • The Music Department of Chung Chi College presented a clarinet recital by M r . John Koljonen, clarinettist, accompanied by Miss Kyung-sook Lee , pianist, on 19th March. • The University Chamber Choir and the Hong Ko ng Bach Choir presented Purcell's opera King Arthur on 21st Ma r ch w i th M r . Ke i th Anderson of Chung Chi College as conductor. • The University Orchestra gave its first concert on 24th March. Programme of the concert included music of the T a n g Dynasty, songs of the Sung Dynasty, selected songs f r om the Opera Shi-Shiang- jih, instrumental solos and contemporary ensemble. COM I NGS A ND GO I NGS • Visitors to the University included Dr. PJ. Bels, President, and D r. H.C. Bels-Koming, Secretary-Treasurer of the International Commission on Mush r oom Science; M r . A l y Boraie, Consul-General o f Egypt in Hong Ko n g; Dr. John Z. Bowers, President of Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, Ne w Y o r k ; D r. C.B. Howe, Reader i n Economics w i th reference to Asia in the University of London, and Head and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Contemporary China Institute, Londo n School of Oriental and African Studies; M r . Yuan-chang Hu of ECAFE, Bangkok, and Mrs . H u ; M r . James Johnson and M r . B.T. Ford, bot h M.P.'s f r om England; M r . Edward E. Kallgren and Mrs. (Dr.) Joyce K . Kallgren, who is Acting Chairman, Center for Chinese Studies, University o f California, Berkeley; Prof. James Keegan, Professor of Communication Studies, Leeds University, England; M r . Ma r t in R. Kenyon, Executive Secretary of the Overseas Student Trust and Managing Trustee of the Fund for International Student Co-operation ; Dr. Frank H . Klassen, Associate Director, American Association of Colleges fo r Teacher Education, and Mrs. Klassen; M r . Leonard K l e in of the Committee on International and Comparative Studies, University of California, Los Angeles; Prof. Paul H. Masoner, University Professor of Education and Dean — 8 —