Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1979

陸鴻基:《淸中葉一位開明的敎師》,《敎育學報》’ 香港中文大學敎育學院,1979年3月。 陸鴻基:《婦女在專上敎育的機會》,《敎育學報》, 香港中文大學敎育學院,1979年3月。 陸鴻基:《敎學語言本地化》,《公敎報》,1978 年7月。 龐德新:《中國語文科敎材論略》,《敎育學報》, 香港中文大學敎育學院,1979年3月。 蕭炳基:《香港中學生的能向模式》,《敎育學報》, 香港中文大學敎育學院,1979年3月。 To, Cho-yee, "Pluralism in Education: A New Term for An Old Idea?" American Educational Research Association Second Regional Conference Proceedings, A E R A and Hampton Institute, 1979. 13-14. To, Cho-yee, Educational and Psychological Adjustment Problems of Asian Immigrant Youth. San Francisco: National Association of Asian American and Pacific Education, 1979. To, Cho-yee, (Collaborator) The Handbook for the Placement of Foreign Graduate Students, 1st edition. Washington, D. C.: National Association for Foreign Student Affairs, 1979. To, Cho-yee & Knowles, Richard T.,《民主主義の敎 育指導》—經驗主義力カワンセリンクの原理一(再 版)東京:高陵社書店、一九七九。(Japanese Translation of A n Experimentalist Approach to Counseling)(河野顯譯) Yau,L. L. Betty, "Grouping of Pupils in Secondary School", Education Journal, School of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 1979. Chinese University Bulletin Chinese University Bulletin Editorial Board Bulletin Staff Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mr. Stephen C. Soong Mr. Stephen Chan Tak-chuen (Editor) Mr. Stephen T. Y. Tiong Mr. Patrick K. C. Yiu Miss Chan Yin-ling Miss Chan Yin-ling (Secretary) (Associate Editor) Address: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong