Bulletin Number Two 1987

Seminars • Concerts Exhibition * The Japanese Studies Section organized alecture on Japanese culture on 2nd March entitled 'The role played by the overseas students during the moderni­ zation o f Japan and China' by Madam Ogawa Yoshiko, Director o f Madam Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Japan, and wife o f Mr. Ogawa Heishiro, the first Japanese Ambassador to China after the resumption o f Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations. * The Physical Education Unit and the Hong Kong Post-secondary Colleges Athletic Association jo in tly organized a Sports Workshop from 6th to 8th March. The Workshop included in-depth discussions on the latest techniques in the training o f track-and-field athletes, the basic requirements for an excellent basketball player and the elementary concept o f racket sports. Speakers at the Workshop were coaches from China and Hong Kong. * The Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies and the Department o f Government and Public Administration jo in tly organized the following lec­ tures by Research Fellows o f the Institute o f Econ­ omics, Chinese Academy o f Social Sciences on 12th March: — ‘The contemporary Chinese society and the capitalist class' by Professor Wang Jingyu; and — ‘The question on capitalism in contemporary China' by Professor Zhang Guohui. * The Faculty o f Medicine and the Pharmaceutical Society o f Hong Kong jo in tly organized a series o f education seminars for practising pharmacists at the Prince o f Wales Hospital on 12th, 19th , 26th and 31st March. * The Department o f Psychology and the Centre for Hong Kong Studies jo in tly organized a seminar on 'Intergroup model o f second language learning' , con ducted by Professor Howard Giles, Professor o f Psy chology, University o f Bristol, UK, on 16th March. * The Department o f Accounting and Finance organized the following lectures: — 'Going public' by Mr. Donald Tsang, Manager, lis ting Department, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, on 17th March. — 'Trade and project financing in China' by Dr. Jean-Claude Gruffat, General Manager, Banque Indosuez, on 7th April. * New Asia College organized the following lec tures and seminars by its Ming Yu Visiting Scholars: — A dinner speech on 'A historian's reflections on contemporary China' by Professor Jonathan Spence, George Burton Adams Professor o f History, Yale University, USA, on 18th March (jo in tly organized w ith the Yale Club o f Hong Kong, the Yale-China Association and the Office o f International Studies Programmes). — A seminar on 'The impact o f Japanese finan­ cial liberalization on world and regional capital markets' by Professor Richard S. Thorn, Professor o f Economics, University o f Pittsburgh, USA, on 1st April (jo in tly organized w ith the Department o f Econ­ omics). 一 A lecture on ‘The problem o f syncretization o f the three great traditions — on Confu cianism, Buddhism and Taoism 一 in China' by Professor Chen Jun-min, Vice-President o f Shaanxi Normal University, on 22nd April (jo in tly organized w ith the Department o f Philosophy). — A seminar on ‘Statistics and statistical science' by Professor James Durbin, London School o f Economics and Political Science, University o f London, on 22nd April (jo in tly organized w ith the Department o f Statistics). — A lecture on 'China's policy on m inority nationalities' by Professor Wang Fu-ren, Director o f the Research Institute o f Eth nology and Chairman o f the Department of Ethnology, Central Institute for M inority Nationalities, on 29th April (jo in tly organized w ith the Department o f Anthropology). * The Institute o f Chinese Studies organized a seminar on 'Significant advances made in the archae ological studies o f the Zhou Yuan Area in Shaanxi', conducted by Professor Shi Xingbang, Director o f the Institute o f Archaeology, Shaanxi Province, China, on 23rd March. * New Asia College organized a public lecture on ‘My experience w ith the economic development in 24 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS