Bulletin Vol. 11 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1974
“On the Translation of the Works of Kant” by Mr. Mou Tsung-san "Kant's Views on Philosophy" by Mr. Lao Yung-wei "Kant and the Philosophy of His Time" by Dr. Liu Shu-hsien "The Philosophical Method of Kant as We see it Today" by Mr. Chan Wing-cheuk •Mr. Graham Storey, Chairman of the English Faculty and Vice-Master of Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, visited the University from 7th to 11th November and gave the following lectures: Cambridge English: The Tradition of Practical Criticism Vision and Language in Macbeth and King Lear A Midsummer Night's Dream Twelfth Night The Winter's Tale Four Metaphysical Poems Mr. Storey's visit was sponsored by the British Council. • The United College Business Administration Society held the Second Hong Kong Business Administration Students Seminar on 20th, 27th October and 3rd November. •The Translation Department of New Asia College and the University Translation Centre jointly sponsored a lecture on ‘‘The Theory and the Implementation of Simultaneous Translation" , given by Mr. Y.P. Cheng, Director of Government's Simultaneous Translation Department, o n 25th November. - D r . Marjorie Reeves, Visiting Professor of History at Chung Chi College, gave a University lecture on ‘‘Current Trends of Thought on University Education" on 4th December. Dr. Reeves retired from Oxford University i n 1972 after a distinguished career as a historian and educationist. COMINGS AND GOINGS • Visitors to the University included Mr. M. Abubarker, Commissioner fo r Nigeria and Mr. J.M.O. Omoko, Second Secretary, Nigerian Commission; Dr. Hans C. Blaise, Adviser on Development Administration, The Ford Foundation, Manila; Mr. Aly Boraie, Consul General of Egypt, and Mrs. Boraie; Dr. John W. Chandler, President, Williams College, and Mrs. Chandler; Dr. Alec Dickson, Hon. Director of Communit Service, Volunteers, London; Prof. Audrey Donnithorne of the Australian National University; Mr. Norman Getsinger, Deputy Principal Officer, American Consulate; Mr . Dudley A. Harris, Director of Educational Services & Resources, Education Departm South Australia; Dr . Robert Hornik and Dr. John K . Mayo of the Institute for Communication Research, Stanford University ; Prof. Ronald Hsia, Universi of Hong Kong; Prof. S.S. Hsueh, Vice-Chancellor of Nanyang University; Mr. Sanford Jaffe, Head of Government and Law Program, The Ford Foundation, and Mrs. Jaffe; Dr. Han Kiuk, Dean, Institute for China Studies, Hanyang University, Republic of Korea; Prof. D.C. Lau, Dr. Christopher Howe and Prof. K.R. Walker of the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London; Mr. Maung Kyi, Consul General of Burma; Dr. Waldemar Molinski, Professor of Catholic Theology and Dean-designate of the Faculty of Education, and Dr. Dieter Cassel, Professor of Economics Wuppertal University, West Germany; Dr. Lyle M. Nelson, Chairman of Communication Department, Stanford University; Dr. Nathan Pusey, President of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York; and Mr. A. Zafar , Consul General of Pakistan, and Mrs. Zafar. • Prof. C. Godbillon, Professor of Mathematics, Strasbourg University, France , visited New Asia College on 24th to 27th November, and delivered two lectures on "Foliation Theory" and "Periodic Solutions in ODE and Seifert" on 26th Novemb •Dr. H. Schmidt of the German Academic Exchang Service, with Mr. W. Erck, German Consul, visited United College on 17th November. • Mr. Jeremiah K.H. Wong of the Department of Government and Public Administration, United College, participated in the Joint Economic Commission for Asian and the Far East/University of Philippines Training Program fo r Trainers in Public Administration from 17th October to 29th November. •Prof. Timothy Yu , Head of the Journalism Department of New Asia College, attended a World- — 5 -
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