Bulletin Number Four 1985
Un iversity Sponsors Conference on Asia-Pacific Perspectives in International Business The Inaugural Meeting o f the Southeast Asia Region o f the Academy o f International Business (AIB), jo in tly organized by the Academy o f International Business and the Department o f Marketing and International Business o f this University, was held from 4th to 6th July, 1985 , at the Hong Kong H ilton Hotel. The theme o f the Inaugural Meeting was 'Asia- Pacific Perspectives in International Business'. The Conference was well represented, w ith paper pre senters and participants coming from Canada, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Hong Kong. There were over eighty papers presented during the nine sessions, w ith well over one hundred paper presenters and participants attending this meeting. The Academy o f International Business is a world-wide organization w ith over 1,600 members in more than fifty countries. The organization, primarily comprised professors o f international business and executives concerned w ith international business activities, has the primary objective o f fostering education and advancing professional standards in the field o f international business. The Academy provides opportunities for the exchange o f ideas through its annual meetings , regional meetings, and international meetings. A t AIB's International Meeting held at Singapore in June 1984 , a large number o f participants from the Southeast Asia region discussed the need for additional and closer cooperation for members in the region. Subsequently, a new Southeast Asia Region was proposed to and approved by the Academy's Executive Board. Professor K.C. Mun, Chairman o f the Department o f Marketing and International Busi ness o f this University, was elected Chairman o f this newly established Region. Hong Kong was selected as the venue for the Inaugural meeting and The Chinese University o f Hong Kong as the host institution. Professor K.C. Mun officiated at the inaugur ation o f the Southeast Asia Region at the Opening Ceremony o f the Conference. The Keynote speaker at the Plenary Session was Professor Michael J. Baker, Deputy Principal and Professor o f Marketing at the University o f Strathclyde, and he presented his views on 'Globalization versus Differentiation, as Inter national Marketing Strategies'. The Conference consisted o f nine sessions; each session had three concurrent discussions held at different conference rooms. A wide variety o f research papers were presented during the concurrent sessions, including: International Advertising, China's Invest ment and Trade, International Marketing and Channels Considerations, Exports from the Asia-Pacific to the U.S., Stock Market in Singapore, Marketing in Singapore, Comparative Studies in Human Resources Management, International Accounting and Taxation, Foreign Direct Investment Issues, Impact and Pattern o f Technology Transfer, Business Knowledge and Education, Issues in International Banking, Issues in Multinationals, and many others. A ll the papers selected by the Programme Committee for presenta tion at the Conference were published in the 765-page Proceedings, edited by Professor K.C. Mun and Dr. T.S. Chan o f the Department o f Marketing and Inter national Business. One o f AIB's objectives is to facilitate the exchange o f information and ideas among people in academic life , business, and government, and the Southeast Asia Region w ill surely uphold this tradition through the annual regional meetings to provide ample opportunities for exchange. The city o f Taipei, Taiwan, has been selected as the venue for the next regional meeting, to be held around the end o f June 1986. —T.S. Chan 4 NEWS
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