Bulletin Number Four 1985
Cu r r i c u l um Rev i ew Repo r t Accep t ed by Senate The University Senate has accepted proposals made by a Special Panel on Curriculum Review to revise its undergraduate curriculum. The review is a normal academic exercise aimed at re-examining the curricu lum o f the University, which has evolved over the years. The major recommendations o f the Special Panel are as follows: (1) a more balanced curriculum structure be formulated under the credit unit system, allowing students greater freedom in selecting courses to meet their individual academic interests and needs; (2) repetition o f examinations be avoided and at the same time student assessment by course examination w ith continuing participation by external examiners be strengthened; (3) the General Education Programme be strengthened and given more weight in the overall curriculum; and (4) greater emphasis be placed on the stan dard o f Chinese and English languages o f applicants who seek admission, and undergraduate students be further assessed in their language abilities after entrance. Appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in January 1983 , the Special Panel on Curriculum Review under the chairmanship o f Professor Ambrose King com prised five academic staff members o f the University. Its report was submitted to the Vice-Chancellor in late 1984 and was subsequently circulated w ithin the University in January 1985 for internal discussion and consultation at various levels. The Panel's major recommendations received wide support w ithin the University, and were finally approved by the Senate w ith minor modifications. First Exercise Under New Admissions System Completed Applications for admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme were accepted in mid-September 1984 , marking the beginning o f the first admissions exercise under the University's New Admissions System, which comprises three channels for admis sion: the Provisional Acceptance Scheme, the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. After a year, by the end o f August 1985 , the entire exercise was success fu lly completed, through which 1,297 new students were admitted to the five Faculties o f the University. The number o f new students admitted to each Faculty is as follows: Faculty o f Arts : 2 7 2 Faculty o f Business Adminis tration 218 Faculty o f Medicine (Pre-clinical Year One) : 3 9 * Faculty o f Science : 4 5 5 * * Faculty o f Social Science : 3 1 3 1,297 The Provisional Acceptance Scheme was a successful accomplishment as evidenced by the very enthusiastic response o f the students at various stages o f the Scheme. Over 7,000 applications were received in September/October 1984; the majority applied through schools. More than 99% o f those invited for interview attended in December 1984. When provisional offers were given to successful applicants in February 1985 , over 95% accepted the offers. About 98% o f the applicants w ith provisional offers or on reserve took the Final Scholastic Assessment in July 1985. When formal admission offers were given to successful applicants in August 1985 , over 95% accepted the offers and enrolled. Application through the other two channels o f admission, the Hong Kong Higher Level Examin ation and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examin ation, was also enthusiastic. Over 2,000 candidates applied through each channel. Application for admission in August 1986 under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme started on 16th September, 1985. * 63 new Pre-clinical Year One students internally promoted are not included. * * Including 82 new Potential Medical Major students. NEWS 1
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