Bulletin Number Four 1985

Cu r r i c u l um Rev i ew Repo r t Accep t ed by Senate The University Senate has accepted proposals made by a Special Panel on Curriculum Review to revise its undergraduate curriculum. The review is a normal academic exercise aimed at re-examining the curricu lum o f the University, which has evolved over the years. The major recommendations o f the Special Panel are as follows: (1) a more balanced curriculum structure be formulated under the credit unit system, allowing students greater freedom in selecting courses to meet their individual academic interests and needs; (2) repetition o f examinations be avoided and at the same time student assessment by course examination w ith continuing participation by external examiners be strengthened; (3) the General Education Programme be strengthened and given more weight in the overall curriculum; and (4) greater emphasis be placed on the stan­ dard o f Chinese and English languages o f applicants who seek admission, and undergraduate students be further assessed in their language abilities after entrance. Appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in January 1983 , the Special Panel on Curriculum Review under the chairmanship o f Professor Ambrose King com­ prised five academic staff members o f the University. Its report was submitted to the Vice-Chancellor in late 1984 and was subsequently circulated w ithin the University in January 1985 for internal discussion and consultation at various levels. The Panel's major recommendations received wide support w ithin the University, and were finally approved by the Senate w ith minor modifications. First Exercise Under New Admissions System Completed Applications for admission under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme were accepted in mid-September 1984 , marking the beginning o f the first admissions exercise under the University's New Admissions System, which comprises three channels for admis sion: the Provisional Acceptance Scheme, the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. After a year, by the end o f August 1985 , the entire exercise was success fu lly completed, through which 1,297 new students were admitted to the five Faculties o f the University. The number o f new students admitted to each Faculty is as follows: Faculty o f Arts : 2 7 2 Faculty o f Business Adminis­ tration 218 Faculty o f Medicine (Pre-clinical Year One) : 3 9 * Faculty o f Science : 4 5 5 * * Faculty o f Social Science : 3 1 3 1,297 The Provisional Acceptance Scheme was a successful accomplishment as evidenced by the very enthusiastic response o f the students at various stages o f the Scheme. Over 7,000 applications were received in September/October 1984; the majority applied through schools. More than 99% o f those invited for interview attended in December 1984. When provisional offers were given to successful applicants in February 1985 , over 95% accepted the offers. About 98% o f the applicants w ith provisional offers or on reserve took the Final Scholastic Assessment in July 1985. When formal admission offers were given to successful applicants in August 1985 , over 95% accepted the offers and enrolled. Application through the other two channels o f admission, the Hong Kong Higher Level Examin­ ation and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examin­ ation, was also enthusiastic. Over 2,000 candidates applied through each channel. Application for admission in August 1986 under the Provisional Acceptance Scheme started on 16th September, 1985. * 63 new Pre-clinical Year One students internally promoted are not included. * * Including 82 new Potential Medical Major students. NEWS 1