Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 4 Jan 1973
(1) Faculty of Arts There is no special requirement for admission to the Arts Faculty. Selection for admission will normally be based on an applicant's performance in Arts subjects in the Matriculation Examination, records of his performance in secondary school/s, and the results of any interview which may be necessary. (2) Faculty of Science Normally, passes in three of the following subjects, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Mathematics, and Higher Mathematics, in the Matriculation Examination of this University will be required, with grades in at least two of these subjects satisfactory to the Science Faculty. Passes in both General Mathematics and Higher Mathematics will be counted as a pass in one subject, but in selection for admission, preference may be given to applicants who have passed Higher Mathematics. (3) Faculty of Commerce and Social Science i) Good grades in Chinese and English, and ii) A pass i n one of the following subjects preferred: Geography Economics and Public Affairs General Mathematics RENDITIONS - A CHINESE-ENGLISH TRANSLATION MAGAZINE Preparation has been under way at the Centre for Translation Projects of this University for the publication of an English-language magazine devoted to translations of Chinese materials. The magazine, to be called Renditions, will cover broadly the humanities, drawing from contemporary as well as classical sources, including periodical literature of lasting interest. Articles and excerpts of books will be carried under such rubrics as History, Philosophy, Literature, Art, etc. There will be translations of poetry, fiction and essays, and special features on the art of translation. The purpose of the publication is twofold: to provide a model and outlet for the student of Chinese- English translation and to introduce specimens of Chinese literature and thought to the English-reading public. The magazine is open to contributions from translators in Hong Kong and throughout the world , and especially in The Chinese University of Hong Kong faculty and student community. Initially planned as a semiannual, Renditions will make its appearance in the fall of 1973 , in time to observe the University's tenth anniversary year. Manuscripts for Renditions may be directed to Mr. George Kao , Visiting Senior Fellow at the Translation Centre , who has been designated Editor of the new publication. Director of the Centre and Head of the Department of Translation, New Asia College, Dr. Phillip Sun, is a member of the Editorial Committee. Other committee members are: Mr. T.C. Lai, Director of the Department of Extramural Studies and of the University Publications Office; Dr. Chu-tsing Li, Visiting Professor of Fine Arts; Mr. Ma Meng, Professor of Chinese at Hong Kong University; Mr. Stephen C. Soong, Special Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor; and Mr. James C.Y. Watt, Curator of the Art Gallery, Institute of Chinese Studies. The magazine will also have an Advisory Board consisting of scholars and distinguished members of the Chinese-English translation fraternity here and overseas. Those who have accepted the invitation to serve include; Prof. Wing-tsit Chan (Chatham College, Pittsburgh); Prof. Y.R. Chao (University of California, Berkeley); Prof. C.T. Hsia (Columbia University); Bishop Francis C.P. Hsu (Hong Kong); Prof. D.C. Lau (University of London); Prof. Tien-yi L i (Ohio State University); Dr. Lin Yutang (Hong Kong);Prof. Liu Ts'un-yan (Australian National University); Prof. Burton Watson (Columbia University); and Mr. L.Z. Yuan, Sing Tao Newspapers Ltd. (Hong Kong). The Asia Foundation has donated US$2,500 towards the publication cost of this magazine. SPECIAL TRANSLATION PROJECT Through an exchange of letters between the Attorney General of Hong Kong and the Vice-Chancellor of this University between June and September 1972, the University agreed to undertake the compilation of an English-Chinese glossary of legal terms. Discussions took place for some time between the University and the Commissioner's Office for Chinese Language, culminating in the setting up of a Steering Committee in December 1972. The Steering Committee comprises five members: Dr. Francis K. Pan (Chairman), Mr, T.C. Lai, Mr. Stephen C. Soong, Mr. Leong Shiu-chung and Mr. Fung Yue- keung. The present staff consists of two research assistants and a complement of clerical and secretarial help. Six summer student assistantships will be created to assist the work of the Project. It will work closely with the Office of the Commissioner for Chinese Language. 5
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