Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 4 Jan 1973
the technical services departments process the never- ending flow of books and periodicals which arrive. The University Library and the three College Libraries provide a well-coordinated UNIVERSITY L I BRARY SYSTEM fo r the students and faculty: primarily the College Libraries will house materials for the needs of undergraduate studies and the University Library will be the centre for research and reference materials. The collections of both Chinese and Western materials will be strengthened, more services — such as photo-copying and a bindery — will be provided, and new sections wil l be developed — such as an Audio-Visual Department. Thus, the University Library will become the hub of activities of the University Library System. The University Librarian Dr. Kan Lai-bing, the University Librarian, born in Hong Kong and educated at Belilios Public School, attended the University of Hong Kong, where she read Botany, Zoology, Chemistry and Physics and graduated with a B. Sc. degree. Immediately after her graduation, she was awarded a Carnegie Fellowship to study at the University of California at Berkeley, and in a year and a half she received simultaneously th e degrees of M.A. in Zoology and M.L.S. in Library Science. Returning to Hong Kong, she later earned the Ph.D. degree in Chinese studies at the University of Hong Kong. A t the University of Hong Kong, Miss Kan has worked in various departments and positions in the General Library and has been in charge of the Fung Ping Shan Librar y and the Medical Library. As an administrator, she has never neglected the important work of training personnel for the staffing of local libraries and has taught as well as acted as the tutor-in- charge of librarianship courses for a number of years in the Department o f Extra-Mural Studies of the University of Hong Kong. Before the establishment of The Chinese University, she also taught at Chung Chi College in 1961/62 as part-time lecturer in Invertebrate Zoology and Parasitology. Active in professional circles, Dr. Kan has variously served as Chairman and on committees of the Hong Kong Library Association. In addition to her membership in the Library Association, Dr. Kan is a member of the Soroptimist Club and the Hong Kong Association of University Women. One of her special interests is information storage and retrieval. In 1968, she spent several months at the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland, for training as a MEDLARS (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) search analyst. She continues to follow the literature on new developments in this important area. Her research interests cover the history, growth and current development of libraries in China and Hong Kong, the analysis of the prices of books and periodicals in Hong Kong as well as several bibliographical projects. One of the aims of the University Library is to develop greater cooperation with the Library of the University of Hong Kong and with other libraries in the Colony. The Chinese University Librarian, in her own person and through her interests and activities, symbolizes the cooperation that already exists and encourag the hope for progress in this relationship. Among Dr. Kan's publications are: "The medusae of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas of the Arctic Ocean including the description of a new species of Eucodonium (Hydrozoa: Anthomedusze)"; Libraries in Hong Kong: a directory; Parasitic infections of man and animals, a bibliography of articles in Chinese medical periodicals’ 1949-64; "Hong Kong contributions to published literature on medical and related subjects — a survey, 1965- 1969"; “The current library scene in Hong Kong". Dr. Kan joined the University first on a part-time basis and was immediately engaged in quadrennial planning, preparation fo r the library move and the opening of the new University Library building. She has now assumed her position full-time and is at present recruiting additional professional and non-professional staff for the expansion of library services. As the University Librarian, Dr. Kan is at the same time the Director of the University Library System, thus coordinating the University Library System to the best advantage to serve the whole University community. (see also pictures in Chinese section) NEW POLICY FOR ADMISSION OF STUDENTS As from 1973 , first-year students will be admitted to this University on a Faculty basis and will not be required to select their major and minor fields of study until the beginning of their second year. However, at the time of application for admission, they will be required to state their preferences fo r subjects to be studied. In addition to satisfying the University entrance requirements in accordance with the Matriculation Regulations, students for admission to the first-year courses leading to a bachelor's degree shall be required to satisfy the following Faculty Entrance Requirements: - 4 —
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