Bulletin Spring 1977
•INTERVIEW• Dean of Graduate School - Professor Hsing graduated in 1942 from National Central University with a B.A. in Economics and pursued postgraduate studies at the University o f Chicago for one year and at Harvard University for two years. Professor Hsing served as Senior Specialist and Division Chief at the Institute o f Economic Research o f the former National Resources Commission (Nanking) during 1947-49 and as Consultant to the Directorate General o f Budgets, Accounts and Statis tics (Taipei) during 1952-54. From 1953 through 1973’ he served as Associate Professor, Professor, National Science Council Chair Professor, and National Science Council Research Professor at National Taiwan University. Since 1962’ he has been concurrently Research Fellow and Director o f the Institute o f Economics o f Academia Sinica (Taipei). He visited Harvard University during 1955-57 and 1967-68 as Visiting Scholar and Senior Visiting Fellow o f Harvard-Yenching Institute respectively and Yale University during 1971-72 as Research Associate o f its Economic Growth Center. Professor Hsing joined this University in 1973 as Chair Pro fessor in Economics and served asDean o f the Faculty o f Social Science from 1973 to 1975. He is now Dean o f the Graduate School and concurrently Director o f the Institute o f Social Studies and the Humanities , and Director o f the Economic Research Centre. Professor Hsing was elected Member o f Aca demia Sinica in 1966. He is also a member o f the following international academic societies: American Economic Society, Econometric Society, and Inter national Association for Studies in Income and Wealth,
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