Bulletin Number Three

(53) From Ming Pao Daily News Ltd. a further donation of HK$100,000 for sponsoring the Weiqi Tournament organized by the Institute of Chinese Studies in association with local Weiqi organizations. (54) From Ming Yu Foundation a donation of HK$234,000 to New Asia College. (55) From Modem Advertising Ltd. a donation of HK$8,000 to sponsor the production of a documentary film by the Department of Journalism and Communication. (56) From Nestle China Ltd. a donation of HK$ 10,000 for sponsoring the Nutrition Research Group of the Department of Paediatrics to participate in a seminar in Beijing in February 1987. (57) From Pfizer Corporation a donation of HK$ 10,000 to sponsor a member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a meeting in Bangkok. (58) From Smith Kline & French Laboratories full expenses for a member of the Department of Medicine to attend a postgraduate course in the USA in May 1987. (59) From Terumo Corporation and Jardine Danby Ltd. a donation of HK$7,500 to sponsor a member of the Department of Medicine to participate in international conferences in Australia in late 1987. (60) From UNESCO a donation of US$2,000 for sponsoring the Third International Summer School on 'Optical Methods in Biophysics' held on campus in summer 1987. (61) From Upjohn Company S.A. a donation of HKS5,000 for sponsoring a member of the Department of Clinical Oncology to attend an international conference in Switzerland in June 1987. (62) From various donors donations totalling HK$560,957 to Chung Chi College from 1st November, 1986 to 28th February, 1987. (63) From Mrs. M.L. Winkler a donation of HK$5,000 for the Department of Surgery to be used for needy patients. (64) From Mr. Yee Chuan Seng a donation of HK$ 1,300 for the Department of Morbid Anatomy. (65) From Ciba-Geigy (HK) Ltd. one set of teaching materials for the Department of Medicine. (66) From Mr. Jenmou Hu forty-four pieces in thirty-seven items of Ming and Qing porcelains. (67) From Dr. Lee Wing-tat some ultrasound equipment for the Department of Paediatrics.' (68) From Nanjing University finger calligraphy on an artificial green stone tablet and publications of that University. (69) From Ms. Wong Yuen Kuen a set of computer and accessories for the Department of Surgery. (70) From Mr. Gabriel Yue computer equipment to the MBA Division for use in the Microcomputer Laboratory of the Faculty of Business Administration. Recent Publications of the University The following books and journal were published by the University Press from December 1986 to June 1987: (Titles in Chinese) Cheng Shiu-Ching: Teacher Education (viii + 300pp., paperback) Hsieh Jiann: The Samei in East Kunming , China (xxvi + 362pp., paperback) Yang Chun-Shih: Modernization and the Chinese Communism (viii + 279pp., paperback) Yeung Kin-fong: Jade Carving in Chinese Archaeology (viii + 372pp. + 96 plates, hardcover) (Chinese/English) Chinese Teaching Material Development Committee (ed.): A Glossary of Biology Terms (iv + 38pp., paperback) Chinese Teaching Material Development Committee (ed.): A Glossary of Physics Terms (vi + 34pp., paperback) The School of Education CUHK and The Hong Kong Medical Association (comp.): Health Education (vi + 246pp., paperback) (Titles in English) Wing-Tsit Chan: Chu Hsi: Life and Thought (xii + 212pp., hardback) Journal Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Vol. 17 (vi + 422pp., paperback) 28