Bulletin Spring 1988

CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations The Federation of Alumni Associations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, have elected the new office-bearers of the following committees: Executive Committee President: Mr. Kwok Chun Kee (School of Education) Vice-President: Mr. Wong Tak Shing (Chung Chi) Honorary Secretary: Mr. Lee Yin (School of Education) Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Lee Kim Hung (United) Welfare & Recreation: Mr. Ching Ting Yat (United) General Affairs: Mr. Lee Kai Ming (New Asia) Academic: Mr. Tong Po Kwai (School of Education) Representative Council Chairman: Mr. Kwok Chun Kee (School of Education) 1st Vice-Chairman: Mr. Wong Tak Shing (Chung Chi) 2nd Vice-Chairman: Ms. Kwan Choi Wah (New Asia) 3rd Vice-Chairman: Mr. Ho Man Sum (United) 4th Vice-Chairman: Mr. Bruce Kai (Graduate School) Honorary Secretary: Mr. Lee Yin (School of Education) Members: Mr. Fam Kwok Kay (School of Education) Mr. Leung Yue Kam (School of Education) Mr. Chan Chat Yin (Chung Chi) Mr. Chan Pik Kiu (Chung Chi) Mr. lu Pui To (Chung Chi) Mr. Fung Tak Choi (Chung Chi) Mr. Kwong Kok Shi (New Asia) Ms. Juni Li (New Asia) Mr. Yip Hon Chow (New Asia) Mr. Ching Ting Yat (United) Mr. Lee Kim Hung (United) Mr. Lo King Him (United) Mr. Wong Yuk Ying (United) Mr. Chung Wai Hung (Graduate School) Mr. Yu Ip Kun (Graduate School) Cultural Events * Professor Norton Ginsburg, director of the Environment and Policy Institute of the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, and an eminent scholar in Asian geography and economic/urban development, paid a two-week visit to the United College from 5th to 16th January as its 1987-88 Distinguished Visiting Scholar. During his visit, Professor Ginsburg delivered and participated in the following lectures and panel discussion: —‘Percepts and Problems Regarding American Cities' on 6th January. —'Emerging Regions of Rural-Urban Interaction in Asia' on 7th January. 一 'Peking and Tientsin: The Problem of Water Supply in Chinese Cities' on 11th January. —Panel discussion on ‘Asian Development and Modernization' on 13th January. * Professor Anthony Zee of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, visited the Chung Chi College as its 1987/88 Siu Lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow between 1st and 29th January. During his stay Professor Zee gave public lectures and participated in seminars organized by the Department of Physics as follows: —‘Semetry and the Search for Beauty in Physics' on 8th January. -‘Efficiency of Visual Perception in an Ising- Feature-Detector Model' on 18th January. —'Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry' on 26th January. * Six New Asia College Ming Yu Visiting Scholars visited the College between January and March: —Professor Anthony M. Tang, director of Winrock Associate, visiting professor of the University of the Philippines and former dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and professor of economics, Vanderbilt University, USA, visited the College from 1st to 13th January. Professor Tang conducted a seminar on 'Economics of Poverty' on 11th January. The seminar was jointly organized with the Department of Economics. —Professor Zhang Zhi-zheng, professor of economics, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China, paid a visit to the College from 18