Bulletin Summer 1988
Gifts and Donations The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support of its programmes and projects: (1) From Chan Kwan Tung Charitable Fund Ltd. a donation of HK$4 , 300,000 for the construction of a new Inter-University Hall. (2) From the American Chamber of Commerc e in Hong Kong a donation of HK$ 1,000 as an additional cash award to the student in General Business Management who was nominated for the American Chamber of Commerce Charitable Foundation Prize Book Award in 1987-88. (3) From British-American Tobacco Company (Hong Kong) limited a donation of HK$10,000 for an additional scholarship to a 3rd-year student of the Part-time Degree Programme in Business Administration in 1987-88. (4) From the Estate of Ng Wah. a donation of HK$100,000 for the establishment o f a scholarship in memory of the late Mr. Ng Wah and for supporting various activities of New Asia College. (5) From Dr. Frank Fu a donation of HK$14,700 towards the Vice-Chancellor Distinguished Award at the Physical Education Unit. (6) From Mr. Han Shui-hin an annual donation of two Arthur Hinton Scholarships covering the annual tuition fee for outstanding students of the School of Education, starting 1988-89. (7) From Mr. Hung Kai-yu and Madam Lee Yee- ling a donation of $A28,000 for the establishment of an endowment fund, the accrued interests from which will be used to set up two Hung Kui She Scholarships, to be awarded annually from 1988-89 to academically outstanding 4th-year students in Economics. (8) From Dr. Francis S. Hutchins an annual donation of US$1,000 from 1988-89 for the award of a Dr. Louise Gilman Hutchins Scholarship to a female medical student of New Asia College with good academic standing. (9) From the Italian University for Foreigners at Perugia a donation of Lit 1,920,000 for the award of four scholarships to students, preferably studying the Italian language, for short- term studies at the Italian University for Foreigners in 1987-88. (10) From Overseas Trust Bank Limited an annual donation of HK$4,000 from 1988-89 for the award of a scholarship to an academically outstanding full-time final-year undergraduate of the Faculty of Business Administration. (11) From the Shell Company of Hong Kong limited a donation of HK$29,100 to sponsor six students to participate in an outward bound diploma course. (12) From Banca Popolare di Bergamo a donation of l i t 4,400,000 for the award of four scholarships to students, preferably studying the Italian language, for short-term studies at the Instituto Universitario di Bergamo in 1987-88. (13) From Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. a donation of HK$6 , 000 for the publication of A Summary Report on the Employment Survey of 1987 Graduates by the Office of Student Affairs. (14) From the following donors contributions to the Department of Morbid Anatomy for research and educational purposes: (a) HK$ 1,300 from Drs. Anderson and Partners; (b) HK$ 1,750 from Mrs. Margaret Ann Goulding; and (c) HK$ 1,300 from Mr. Shum Hon Chiu (15) From Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden: (a) HK$35,000 to the Departmen t of Medicine for research purpose; (b) HK$7 , 000 to sponsor the weekly cardiac seminar organized by the Department of Medicine; and (c) HK$ 10,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department o f Medicine to attend a conference held in San Francisco, USA, in April 1988. (16) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation Limited: (a) HK$ 131,400 in support of the appointment of a research assistant at the Institute of Chinese Studies fo r the years 1986-87 and 1987-88; and (b) HK$25,000 for a research project undertaken by Dr. Albert H. Yee of the School of Education. (17) From Cerebos Pacific Limited a donation of S$70,000 for a research project on Chinese medicine undertaken by Dr. Y.C. Kong of the Department of Biochemistry. (18) From the following donors contributions to the Department of Surgery for research and educational purposes: 22
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