Bulletin Summer 1988
Cultural Events * The department of English invited Professor Roy Harvey Pearce, professor of American literature, University of California at San Diego, USA, to give the following lectures: 一 'Yours Truly, Huck Finn', on 6th April. —'The Cry and the Occasion: Re-reading Wallace Stevens', on 7th April. - ' Ame r i c an Culture and American Criticism', on 8th April. Jointly organized with the Hong Kong Comparative Literature Association. * The Christian education section of the department of religion organized a lecture on ‘How to Nurture Christians in Response to Modern Challenges from the Church and Society?' conducted by Father Luke Tsui, executive board member of the Catholic Institute for Religion and Society, on 13th April. * The department of statistics organized a seminar on 'Practical Statistical Work in Hong Kong' conducted by Mr. Frederick W.H. Ho, deputy commissioner of census and statistics, Hong Kong Government, on 19th April. * The Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies (CCAS) organized the following seminars: — A seminar on the system of elderly care in rural Guangzhou, jointly organized with the Guangzhou Institute of Social Studies (GISS), was held on 21st April. The CCAS and the GISS carried out sample surveys in the Panyu County and the Xinfeng County of Guangzhou in July and October last year to study various aspects of elderly care in rural Guangzhou. Research findings were presented by ten speakers from Hong Kong and Guangzhou in the seminar. 一 A seminar on China's population development, co-sponsored by the Chinese Population Programme of the CCAS and the Beijing Institute of Information and Control, was held on 3rd and 4th May. The seminar was designed for the exchange and sharing of information among research workers engaged in a multi-disciplinary collaborative research on the modelling and analysis of China's population dynamics. * The Chung Chi Choir staged a concert on 21st April at the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall. The Chinese University Orchestra was guest performer with Dr. Chen Wing Wah, lecturer in music, as conductor. The programme included works from the Middle Ages up to the present. Bruckner's Requiem and new works by members of the music department were given their premieres in Hong Kong. * The department of chemistry organized the following seminars: - ‘ Ana l ys i ng the Human Hair' conducted by Professor Kong Pinyan, associate professor of chemistry, Zhongshan University, China, on 22nd April. —'The Synthesis of Leukotrienes and Other lipoxygenase Metabolites' conducted by Dr. Joshua Rokach, executive director of research, Merck Frosst Canada Inc., on 29th April. —‘Liquid Crystals: The Fourth Phase of Matter' conducted by Professor B.M. Fung, department of chemistry, the University of Oklahoma, USA, on 11th May. - ' B l ockade of the Renin-Angiotensin-System with Small Transition State Analogue Inhibitors' conducted by Dr. Jay R. Luly, senior chemist, Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, USA , on 20th May. The seminar was jointly organized with the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. - ' Chemi cal Bonding in Metal Clusters' conducted by Professor Zhang Qianer, professor of chemistry, Xiamen University, China, on 2nd June. —'Electroanalysis from the Standpoint of Electrochemistry' conducted by Professor Tian Zhaowu, president of Xiamen University, on 3rd June. —‘Some Advances in Protein Crystallography' conducted by Professor Nguyen-huu Xuong, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Peking University, China, on 22nd June. —'Biophysical Chemistry of Proteins' conducted by Professor N.C. Yang, department of chemistry, the University of Chicago, USA, on 15th July. * The Institute of Chinese Studies organized the following lectures/seminar: 18
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