Bulletin Autumn 1989
Society, spoke on 'Acupuncture in General Practice' on 7th September. — Dr. Y.K. Leung, attending physician, Divi sion of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital of Buffalo, USA, spoke on 'Nutritional Support for Sick Patients' on 26th September. * The Department of Music organized the following activities: — A concert of French music performed by Miss Tso Sau-han, a soprano from Paris, on 11th September, accompanied by Mrs. Marilyn Watson at the piano. Works by prominent French composers were per formed. Mr. Wu Wing-bin played as guest clarinet soloist at the concert. * The Hong Kong Philharmonic Society, the United College Dean of Students' Office, the United College Music Society, and the United College Student Union jointly organized a lecture on 'General Music Appreciation' on 26th September. The speaker was Mr. C.H. Ng. Personalia (From 1st July to 30th September , 1989) L A ward o f Emeritus Professor Professor John L. Espy Emeritus Professor of International Business Professor Lau Din-cheuk Emeritus Professor of Chinese Language and Literature I I . E l e c t i o n s / Co n c u r r e n t Ap p o i n t me n t s Dr. Ho Hsiu-hwang Dean of Arts Dr. Kuan Hsin-chi Dean of Social Science Professor Lee Cheuk-yu Dean of Students Professor Oh Teik-ewe Dean of Medicine I I I . H o n o r a r y Ap p o i n t me n t s Mr. William Cheng Senior College Tutor, Shaw College Professor Lau Din-cheuk Senior College Tutor, Shaw College I V . Ap p o i n t me n t s Academic Staff Faculty o f Arts Professor David E. Pollard Professor of Translation Dr. Michele M. Chan Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit Dr. Gilbert C.F. Fong Lecturer in Translation Dr. LeeWood-hung Lecturer in Japanese Studies Mr. Lui Chun-kwong Lecturer in Fine Arts Dr. Michael Share Lecturer in History Dr. Hardy C. Wilcoxon Lecturer in English Dr. Wong Juen-kon Lecturer in Chinese Language and Literature Dr. Wong Yiu-kwan Lecturer in Chinese Language and Literature Miss Tomoko Uozumi Visiting Lecturer in Japanese Studies Dr. Patricia N. Page Honorary Visiting Lecturer in Religion Dr. Wang Hsien-chih Honorary Visiting Lecturer in Religion Mr. Chan Yuk-keung Assistant Lecturer in Fine Arts Mr. Mok Kar-leung Assistant Lecturer in Fine Arts Miss Virginia C.Y. Yip Assistant Lecturer in English 19
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