Bulletin Number Two 1983
Seminars • Concerts • Exhibitions * Dr. G.P. Maquire, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry of the University of Manchester, delivered a lecture on 'Training in Interviewing Skills' on 7th February at the invitation of the Department of Psychiatry. * The Department of Chinese Language and Literature and the Comparative Literature Research Unit of the Department of English jointly organized a public lecture on 8th February. Mr. Xu Chi, Mr. Li You and Professor He Xiang-lin were invited to speak on 'Literary Reportage and Western Literature'. * Ms. Kate Wilhelm and Mr. Damon Knight, science fiction writers, spoke on 'Historical Development of Science Fiction' on 9th February at the invitation of the Department of English. * The Institute of Chinese Studies presented a seminar on 10th February, The speaker was Mr. Huang Wai-wen of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, who lectured on 'Chou-kou-tien, Home of the Peking Man, and the Early Man in China'. * Professor Huzihiro Araki of the Research Institute for Mathematical Science, Kyoto University, Japan, gave a lecture on 'History and Recent Trends of Theory of Operator Algebra' on 16th February under the sponsorship of the Department of Mathematics. * The 12th Bank of America Intervarsity Debating Contest took place on 26th February at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The University's team, debating against the motion That Capital Punishment Should Now Be Carried Out', won the year's Bank of America Scholarship for Research Project (HK$8,000) and a trophy. Miss Chan Woon Yee of the University was the best debater, who was awarded HK$ 1,500. * The Department of Geography and the Hong Kong Geographical Association co-sponsored a conference on ‘Resources and Development of the Pearl River Delta' on 18th February. Dr. K.Y. Wong , Chairman of the Department of Geography, was the Chairman of the Organizing Committee. Among the sixty participants of the Conference were five scholars from various universities and research institutes in Guangdong, China. The following topics were discussed at the Conference: 1. The physical geography of the Delta, 2. The Delta and China's modernization, 3. Land uses and natural resources, 4. Urban growth and physical planning, 5. Environmental perspectives of development, and 6. Growth strategies in the Delta. * The Departments of Anatomy and Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery jointly sponsored a seminar on ‘Skin Microcirculation and Associated Topics' on 3rd March. The speaker was Dr. J .C. Barbenel, British Council Specialist Vistor and Head of the Tissue Mechanics Section, Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde. * The Department of Fine Arts presented a lecture on ‘The Interrelationship between Calligraphy and Painting in Chinese Arts' on 3rd March. The speaker was Mr. Qin E-sheng, a famous calligrapher from China, who was visiting Hong Kong at the invitation of the Department of Extramural Studies. * Professor Carl Hamilton, Professor of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics and Australian National University, visited the Department of Economics and the Centre for Hong Kong Studies on 4th March. He also conducted a seminar on 'Import Quotas and Voluntary Export Restraints'. * The New Asia College 1983 Ch'ien Mu Lecture Series was held from 15th to 25th March with Professor Zhu Guang-qian as the speaker. Professor Zhu, a distinguished aesthetician from Beijing University, lectured on 'Giovanni Battista Vico's Scienza Nuova and its Influence on Chinese and Western Aesthetics': 'What is New about Vico's New Science?' (15th March) 22 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS
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