Bulletin Number Two 1985
idea is meaningful only if it can in principle produce a pragmatic difference in the world; a certain ontological possibil- ity seems to be implied by this approach, only such an ontological presupposition is not to be confused with classical ontologies in the past. This last approach seems to be somewhat promising and it should be worthwhile to explore further in the future. And this age is indeed a transitory stage which desperately needs all the intellectuals in different fields to work together in order to find a path to lead us out of the labyrinth of our own days. Whatever outcome may grow out of the conference, at least we can be sure that a significant scholarly work will be published within a couple of years which may serve as a point of departure for future studies. Certainly we cannot claim that other conferences will not produce papers with quality equal or even superior to that of the papers presented in this conference, but very few conferences can demonstrate in concrete the spirit of harmony in strife as this one. It is here that lies the ultimate success of the conference. 一 S.H. Liu News in Brief Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellors The University Council reappointed Professor Baysung Hsu and Professor G.H. Choa as Pro-Vice-Chancellors, both for a further term of two years upon the expiry of their present term on 28th February, 1985. Membership of Academic Equipment Grant Committee The membership of the University's Academic Equipment Grant Committee for the period from 14th February, 1985 to 30th June, 1986 is as follows: Chairman: Professor DJ . Riches Members: Dr. C.L . Choy Dr. J.J. Deeney (or another member to be co- opted from the Faculty of Arts) Mr. D.A. Gilkes Dr. Stanislaus Hu Professor Rance Lee Chairman of the Science Centre Management Committee Secretary: Mr. Terence Chan New UPGCMember Mr. Timothy Har Wing-Ho, Principal of St. Paul's College, has been appointed by His Excellency the Governor a member of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) from 8th February, 1985 to 31st December, 1987. Mr. Har is to replace Dr. Joyce Symons, who retired at the end of 1984. University Members on Government Training Boards / Committees The following members represent the University on various Government Training Boards and Committees of the Vocational Training Council for a term of two years beginning 1st April, 1985: Professor Y.T. Chung, on the Accounting Training Board Dr. Richard Ho Yan-ki, on the Banking Training Board Dr. Chack-kuen Chan, on the Electronics Industry Training Board Dr. Joseph Wong, on the Journalism Training Board Professor K.C. Mun, on the Wholesale/Retail and Import/Export Trades Training Board NEWS 5
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