Bulletin Number Two 1985
Seminars • Concerts • Exhibitions * The Department of Economics organized the following seminars: —'International Trade, Finance and Debt Crises' by Professor Robert M. Stem, Professor of Economics and Policy Studies, Departmant of Economics, University of Michigan, on 5th February. —'Speculative Effects on the Level of Interest Rates' and 'Speculation and Foreign Exchange Market' by Professor E. Streissler, who is the Professor of Economics, University of Vienna, and New Asia Ming Yu Visiting Scholar, on 11th and 13th February respectively. * The Institute of Chinese Studies and the Department of Anthropology jointly presented the following seminars: —'Recent Ethnological Studies in Southwestern China' and 'Studies on the Yi Nationality' by Mr. Li Shaoming, Director , Sichuan Institute of National Minorities, China, on 6th and 8th February respectively. —'The Pai-yao and Kuo-shan-yao Peoples of Guangdong' and 'The Yao People in Guangdong' by Mr. Zhao Jiawang, Vice-President of the Institute of Guangdong Minorities, on 1st and 5th March respectively. * The Institute of Chinese Studies organized the following seminars: —'Chinese Medicine and the Ways of Healthy Living' by Dr. Ji Liangchen, Deputy Director of Internal Medicine, Beijing Chinese Medical Hospital, on 7th February. —'Important Archaeological Finds of Ch'u Culture' by Mr. Liu Binhui, Research Fellow of Hubei Museum, on 26th March. * Professor Ye Shunzan, Research Associate of the Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica, Beijing, spoke on 'Regional Perspectives on the Relationships of Development of Two Metropolises: Beijing and Tianjin' on 8th February. The seminar was organized by the Department of Geography. * The Department of Marketing and International Business presented a lecture on 'New Situation on the Introduction of Technology in the Trade between China and Hong Kong' by Mr. Liu Chi-keung, Managing Director of Chaining Development Ltd., on 11th February. * Professor George F. McLean, Secretary of Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, conducted a seminar on 'Moral Education' on 4th March. The seminar was organized by the Department of Philosophy. * New Asia College and the Department of Fine Arts presented the following lectures and demonstrations by Mr. Cheng Shifa, a famous painter from China and New Asia S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellow: —'Flower and Bird Painting' on 5th March —'Landscape Painting' on 14th March —'Figure Painting' on 23rd March * Professor Ji Zhongpu, Professor Chen Keji and Professor Shen Ziyin, Chinese medical experts from China, delivered a popular science lecture on 'Research and Clinical Applications of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in China' on 10th March. The lecture was organized by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. * The Department of Chemistry presented a lecture on 'Conversions of Alpha-Hydroxy and Alpha- Amino Acids with Self-reproduction of the Centre of Chirality' on 12th March by Professor D. Seebach, Laboratorium f ü r Organische Chemie, Eidgenossoschen Technischen Hochschule, Switzerland. ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS 23
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