Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1979
Three-Year M B A (CUHK) Association Formed The Chinese University Three-Year M B A (CUHK) Association was incorporated in August 1979. The Association has invited Mr . FungKing-Hey,Mr. Cheng Yu-Tung, Dr. Ann Tse Kai, Mr . Li Ka-Shing,Mr. K w ok Tak-Seng, Mr. Lee Shau-Kee, Mr. Chen Din-Hwa, and Mrs. Alice Lam to be its Honorary Presidents, the Vice-Chancellor and Dr. Y. T. Chung , Director of the Three-Year M B A Programme, to be its Honorar y Advisers, and Mr. Gallant Ho to be its Honorary Legal Adviser. The Chairman of the Association is Mr. John M. K. Luk. Office Bearers of The Federation of Alumni Associations , CUHK The Federation of Alumni Associations, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, held a swear-in ceremony for its second Representative Committee and Executive Committee at its annual ball on 10th November, 1979. Membership of the two committees are as follows: Representative Committee Chairman: Mr. Lee Kam-chung (New Asia College) Vice-Chairmen: Mr. Thomas H. C. Cheung (United College) Mr. Frederick Yeh Yu-kwang (Lingnan Institute of Business Administration) Mr.Y. F. Woo (School of Education) Mr. George H. C. Hung (Chung Chi College) Hon. Secretary: Mr. Lee Yen Representatives: Mr. T. W. Chiu Mr. Ip Hon-chow Ms. Yuen Wai-chu Mr. Li Kai Ming Mr. Ho Man-sum Mr. Chan Kwok-tai Mr. W u Chi-Kwai Mr.K. C. Chow Mr. John S. F. Man Mr. Pang Wang-kee Mr. C. Y. Kwok Mr. Wong Wai-ho Mr.IuPui-to Mr. Lyon Lee Mr. Yu Kim-choi Executive Committee Chairman: Mr. Lee Kam-chung Vice-Chairman: Mr. Ho Man-sum Hon. Secretary: Mr. Lee Yen Hon. Treasurer: Mr. Poon Siu-mang Welfare & Recreation: Mr. W u Chi-kwai Academic Matters: Mr. Y. F. Woo Public Relations: Mr. Chan Kwok-tai Ex-officio Adviser: Mr. Chang Hoi Kau
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