Bulletin Autumn 1988
Dr. Kelvin K.C. Chan Reader in Pharmacology Dr. Ho Hsiu-hwang Reader in Philosophy Rev. Can. Dr. Alan C.C. Chan Senior Lecturer in Religion Dr. Chang Chak-yan Senior Lecturer in Government and Public Administration Mr. Cheung Yee Senior Lecturer in Fine Arts Mr. Lau Ho-fuk Senior Lecturer in Marketing and International Business Dr. Lau Sing Senior Lecturer in Education Dr. Joseph Alan C.K. Pang Senior Lecturer in Medicine Dr. Elbert Y.C. Shih Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Dr. Sung Yun-wing Senior Lecturer in Economics Mr. Tong Duen-ching Senior Lecturer in Philosophy Dr. Henry N.C. Wong Senior Lecturer in Chemistry Mr. Ho Yin-ping Lecturer in Economics Administrative Staff Mrs. Elizabeth C.M. Kwong Assistant Bursar, Accounts Office, Bursary V. Re t ir eme n t Professor John L. Espy Professor o f Accounting and Finance Gifts and Donations The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support o f its programmes and projects: (1) From The Actuarial Association o f Hong Kong an annual donation o f HK$5 , 000 for three years from 1988-89 for a scholarship to an outstanding student who intends to pursue an actuarial career. (2) From Barclays Bank PLC and the Younger Managers' Club HK$3 , 000 for a scholarship to a computer science student in 1988-89. (3) From the Incorporated Trustees o f Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund: (a) HK$25,000 for the 1988-89 Student Campus Work Scheme; and (b) HK$17,500 for seven HK$2,500 bur saries to needy students in 1988-89. (4) From Dr. Francis S. Hutchins HK$7,800 for the establishment o f the Dr. Louise Gilman Hutchins Scholarship at New Asia College in 1988-89. (5) From Miss Leung Pui Han Scholarship Fund an annual donation o f approximately HK$50 , 000 from 1988-89 for the award o f bursaries to students o f the Part-time Degree Programmes. (6) From Management Board, The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company, HK$ 12,000 for three bursaries to students o f the faculty o f business administration in 1988-89. (7) From Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific Region, Merrill Lynch International Inc., HK$25,000 for a scholarship to an outstanding full-time second-year student majoring in business admin istration or economics in 1988-89. (8) From John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd. an annual donation o f HK$90 , 000 from 1988-89 for six scholarships to students o f the faculties o f arts, business administration, science and social science. (9) From Mr. Anthony Tyen an annual donation o f HK$5,000 for five years from 1988-89 for the establishment o f the Peter Tyen Business Research Report Award to student(s) o f the 26
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