Bulletin Spring 1977
New Pro-Vice-Chancellors & College Heads In accordance with The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance 1976, the University Council made the following appointments effective as from 1st March, 1977:- Pro-Vice-Chancellors: Mr. Cheng Tung-Choy Professor Cheng Te-K'un Heads of Colleges : Professor Hsueh Shou- sheng (United College) Dr. Ambrose Yeo-chi King (New Asia College) Dr. Tam Shang-Wai (Chung Chi College) The term of office of the newly appointed Pro-Vice- Chancellors will be two years and that of the Heads of Colleges until 31st July, 1981. Duties o f Pro-Vice-Chancellors Professor Cheng Te-K'un's prime responsibility is to advise the Vice-Chancellor in academic matters. By virtue of his responsibilities in the academic field, he has assumed the Chairmanship of the following Committees: (1) Senate Committee on General Education (2) Undergraduate Examinations Board (3) Committee on University Library System (4) Academic Staff Review Committee Mr. T. C. Cheng's prime responsibility is to advise the Vice-Chancellor in administrative affairs. By virtue of his responsibilities in the administrative area, he chairs the following committees: (1) Administrative Staff Review Committee (2) Committee on Administrative Affairs Duties o f Heads o f Colleges The Head of a College is responsible for the welfare of the College and the students assigned to it and collaborates closely with the Vice-Chancellor in the conduct of the College and its work. He is the Chairman of the Assembly of Fellows of that College. Administrative and Planning Committee With the assumption of duty of the new Pro- Vice-Chancellors and the Heads of Colleges, the mem bership of the Administrative and Planning Com mittee is now as follows: Chairman Dr. Choh-Ming Li Vice-Chancellor Members Mr. T. C. Cheng Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor T. K. Cheng Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor S. S. Hsueh Head of United College Dr. Ambrose Y. C. King Head of New Asia College Dr. S. W. Tarn Head of Chung Chi College Professor Hsing Mo-Huan Dean of Graduate School Dr. S. T. Chang Dean of Science Dr. Gerald H. Choa Dean of Medicine Dr. Chung Yu-to Dean of Business Administration Mr. John Gannon Acting Dean of Arts Dr. Tzong-biau Lin Acting Dean of Social Science Dr. John T. S. Chen University Registrar Mr. D. A. Gilkes University Bursar Member & Secretary Mr. N. H. Young University Secretary The duties of the Committee are:- (1) to assist the Vice-Chancellor in the performance of his duties ; (2) To initiate plans of University development; (3) to assist the Vice-Chancellor in reviewing and co-ordinating the annual and supplementary es timates of recurrent and capital expenditures of the University, before transmitting them to the Finance Committee of the Council; (4) to review or propose academic and administra tive appointments that are at and above the level of Tutors and Demonstrators or their equivalent before these appointments are made.
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