Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981

News on Committees Ad Hoc Group on Patent Rights The University has established an ad hoc Group on Patent Rights to advise the Administrative and Planning Committee on: (a) whether the University should actively help and advise staff members on matters related to patent rights and if so, what the degree of involvement should be ; and (b) what the appropriate body within the Uni­ versity should be for dealing with the patent rights in various facets, including the aspect of its being a form of outside practice. The composition of the Group is as follows: Chairman: Professor L.B. Thrower (Dean o f the Faculty o f Science) Members: Professor T.C. Chen Dr. H.M. Chang Member/Secretary: Mr. D.A. Gilkes (Bursar) Ex-officio Member o f Committee on Undergraduate Hostels The membership of the Committee on Under­ graduate Hostels has been enlarged to include the Director of International Asian Studies Programme or his representative as an ex-officio member. Academic Equipment Grant Committee An Academic Equipment Grant Committee has been set up by the Administrative and Planning Committee to: (1) decide on academic faculty equipment fund allocations and (2) advise on broad policy equipment acquisitions, together with specific purchases which may be referred to it from time to time. The membership is as follows: Chairman: Professor T. C. Chen (appointed by the Vice-Chancellor) Members: Dean of each faculty or his representative Member/Secretary: Mr. D.A. Gilkes (Bursar) Committee on Part-Time Degree Programmes The University has set up aCommittee on Part- Time Degree Programmes to: (a) make recommendations on policies con­ cerning part-time degree programmes; (b) coordinate various part-time degree pro­ grammes; (c) plan general education and language courses for part-time degree students; and (d) handle recruitment of teachers for courses common to various part-time degree pro­ grammes. The membership is as follows: Chairman: Dr. John T.S. Chen (appointed by the Vice-Chancellor) Members: One representative from each faculty Mr. Brian C. Blomfield (Arts) Dr. K.C. Mun (Business Administration) Professor W.C. Hamann (Medicine) Dr. Y.W. Lam (Science) Mrs. Eva Li Ko (Social Science) One representative from each board o f studies concerned with a part-time degree programme Mr. Dang Shu-leung (Chinese Language & Literature) Mr. Brian C. Blomfield (English) Professor David Gwilt (Music) Professor John F. Jones (Social Work) Secretary: Mr. T.S. Foo (Assistant Registrar, Part- Time Degree Programmes) New Appointments to Boards/ Committee The following appointments to boards/commit tee have been made: Mr. Lam Ying-ho, Principal of Pui Ching Middle School, Kowloon , and a member of the Board of Trustees of United College of the University to be a member of the Appointments Board until 31st July, 1982; Dr. James E. Walker, President of Exxon Chemical Asia Pacific Ltd., to be a member of the Advisory Board o f the Lingnan Institute o f Business Administration; Mr. F.L. Walker, Director and General Manager of the Hong Kong Telephone Co. Ltd. to be Chair man of the Advisory Committee on Electronics for a term of two years, from 1st July, 1981 to 31st June, 1983, succeeding Mr. George F.A. Warwick; Dr. Victor Fung, Managing Director of the Li & Fung Co. Ltd., to be a member of the Advisory Board f or the Three-year MBA Programme as a re­ presentative from the Advisory Board for the Two- year MBA Programme. 20