Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981

ism subjects and train students to write and edit news stories through the use of a software called JCAI or Journalism Computer-Aided Instruction, which was designed and developed in the 1970s at Michigan University by Dr. Robert Bishop, Aw Boon Haw Visiting Professor in Communication of this Univer sity. The computer can tell the student if he misses any of the essential facts, check his spelling and comment on his writing style and sentence structure. In addition to teaching the art of journalistic writing, the Laboratory will serve three other purposes: teaching fundamentals of other communication courses as a partial substitute for textbooks; marking examination scripts and assessing performance; and conducting research on the application of computer technology to Chinese editing and typesetting. M.B.A. Programmes The Trustees of Lingnan University has agreed to drop the name ‘Lingnan Institute o f Business Administration', and in conformity with other divisions of the Graduate School, the name “Division o f Business Administration o f the Graduate School” has been adopted for both the 2-year and 3-year M.B.A. Programmes. University Library The University Library has introduced an I n­ formation Retrieval Service in March 1981. Using modern telecommunications and computer tech­ nology, the Service is connected by terminals through a telecommunications satellite to two database vendors in the United States—BRS in New York and DIALOG in California, with over 125 databases available. Users of the library are now able to search electronically through files of international databases and locate within seconds or minutes precisely the periodical or book citations and abstracts needed. University Secretariat A new Publications Section has been set up in the University Secretariat. It will be responsible for the publication of the Chinese University Bulletin, the Vice-Chancellor's report, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong Calendar and other official brochures. Honours for University Members * Dr. Choh-Ming Li, former Vice-Chancellor of the University, has been elected a member of The Berkeley Fellows. It is an honorific society of fellows established in 1968 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the University of California, Berkeley, to honour some of the eminent men and women who have associated, themselves closely with Berkeley. * Dr. Y.W. Chan, Reader in Physics, has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society for his contributions in the field of Electron and Atomic Physics. * Dr. Y.W. Lam, Reader in Electronics, has been elected a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (FIEE). * Dr. L.S. Chuang, Senior Lecturer in Physics, has been elected an Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. * Dr. O.W. Lau, Lecturer in Chemistry, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. * Mr. John Dent-Young, Lecturer in English, has won the first prize among 229 entries in the senior section of the Hong Kong Poetry Competition with his poem “ Snake Again". The Competition was jointly sponsored by the South China Morning Post and Radio Television Hong Kong. 19