Bulletin No. 2, 2009
Honours and Recognition 41 Honours and Recognition Engineering Professor Elected IFAC Fellow P rof. Huang Jie of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has been elected Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control for his contributions to teaching and research on nonlinear control theory and design, and its applications to flight control and guidance, electromechanical systems, and neural systems. This year, nine scholars were elected worldwide and Professor Huang is the only one from Greater China. His research in nonlinear control theory and design can be widely applied to the flight control of aircrafts, attitude control of spacecrafts and motion control of robots. It can significantly improve the stability and safety of a flying vehicle and the accuracy of robotic motion control. Vice-Chancellor Appointed Honorary Professor by China Agricultural University P rof. Lawrence J. Lau (centre), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, was appointed honorary professor by China Agricultural University (CAU) in recognition of his achievements in the field of economics. At a ceremony held at CAU on 11 March 2009, Prof. Qu Zhenyuan (right), Party Secretary of CAU, and Prof. Ke Bingsheng (left), President of CAU, presented the appointment certificate to Professor Lau. After t he ce r emony, P r o fe s s o r L au delivered a talk entitled ‘The Sky Is Not Falling’, analysing the global financial crisis and its impact on China.
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