Bulletin Winter 1988
News i n Brief A rc h ite ctu re Academ ic A d v is o ry C omm ittee Professor S.W. Tam, dean o f the Graduate School, has been appointed by the Vice-Chancellor as convener o f the Architecture Academic Advisory Committee for two years from 5th October, 1988. The committee has been established to advise the University on all matters related to the introduction o f an architecture studies programme. Other members o f the committee include: Professor John de Monchaux, dean o f the School o f Architecture and Planning, Massachusettes Institute o f Technology, USA Mr. Koichi Nagashima, visiting professor at Tokyo University, Japan, and a practising architect in Japan Professor John Nelson Tarn, Roscoe professor o f architecture, The School o f Architecture and Building Engineering, Liverpool Univer sity, UK, and chairman o f the Education Commission, Royal Institute o f British Architects Mr. Edward S.T. Ho, a practising architect in Hong Kong Professor Eric K.C. Lye, dean o f the Faculty o f Architecture, University o f Hong Kong Professor Yeung Yue-man, registrar o f the University Consultant: Dr. I.M. Pei, I.M. Pei and Partners, Architects and Planners, USA O ffice o f In d u s tria l and Business D evelopm ent The University has established the Office o f Industrial and Business Development (OIBD) to co ordinate and expand its relationships w ith outside bodies such as local and international business organ izations, foundations and individuals. Other functions o f the OIBD are: (1) to in vestigate the various possible services and programmes including contract research, product development, consultancy, and staff development programmes which would attract support from both local and international organizations; and (2) to investigate possible areas for technology transfer between the industrialized countries, Hong Kong, and China, and to identify new businesses/industries w ith high po tential for rapid growth. Specific inquiries about the activities and ser vices provided to various University departments/ units should be addressed to Dr. Winston W. Liang, director, and Professor John Espy, associate director, o f the office. Two M edical Departm ents Changed Names The names o f the following departments o f the Faculty o f Medicine have been changed from 28th September, 1988: Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery becomes Orthopaedics and Traumatology Anaesthesia becomes Anaesthesia and Intensive Care University Members Serving on Outside Comm ittees (1) The following members o f the University have been appointed/reappointed by his Excellency the Governor to serve on various boards and committees: * Dr. Richard Ho, lecturer in Chinese, and Dr. Serena Jin, senior lecturer in translation, have been appointed members o f the Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee for a term o f two years from 28th Octo ber, 1988. * Dr. K.M. Chan, senior lecturer in orthopaedics and traumatology, has been reappointed a member o f the Council for Recreation and Sport from 29th November, 1988. * Professor J.E. Gardiner, professor o f pharma cology, has been reappointed a member o f the Pharmacy and Poisons Appeal Tribunal for a term o f one year from 1st December, 1988. * Dr. Agnes Ng , senior lecturer in social work, has been appointed a member o f the Social Welfare Advisory Committee from 1st December, 1988 to 30th November, 1990. (2) Professor P.C. Leung, professor o f orthopaedics and traumatology, has been nominated to represent the University on the Council o f the City Polytechnic o f Hong Kong for a period o f two years from 1st January, 1989. Inaugural Le cture by Professor o f M edicine Professor M. Gary Nicholls, professor o f medi cine, delivered his inaugural lecture on 'Hearts and Hormones: A Perspective o f Medical Research' on 4th November, 1988, in the Lecture Theatre, Choh- Ming Li Building for Basic Medical Sciences. UPGC Secretariat A p p o in tm e n ts The University and Polytechnic Grants Com mittee (UPGC) recently announced the following appointments at the UPGC Secretariat: (a) Mr. L.F. Spark as secretary o f the UPGC w ith 8
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