Bulletin Winter 1988
Gifts and Donations The University has recently received fr o m local and overseas individuals and foundations the fo llow in g gifts and donations in support o f its programmes and projects: (1) From the estate o f the late Mr. Hui Yeung Shing a donation o f HK$5,000,000 and from Mr. Hui Kwok-hau, Mr. Hui Siu-wing, Mr. Hui Kin-wah, HK$3 , 000 , 000 , being first payment o f a HK$10 m illion donation for the establish ment o f the 'Hui Yeung ShingMemorial Endow ment Fund' for research and educational pur poses. (2) From The American Chamber o f Commerce in Hong Kong an annual donation o f HK$ 10,000 from 1988-89 for the award o f a prize to an outstanding student o f the Three-year MBA programme. (3) From an anonymous donor a donation o f HK$60,000 for the establishment o f a 'Pro fessor John L. Espy MBA Research Scholar Programme' for an in itia l period o f five years from 1988-89 to enable a 1st-year student o f the Two-year MBA Programme to work full- time on an approved research project during the summer break. (4) From Diocesan Boys' School a donation o f HK$2,600 for the award o f four 'George Shee Scholarships' to undergraduates in 1988-89. (5) From Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. a donation o f HK$6,000 for the award o f a scholarship to an MBA student in 1988-89. (6) From Esso Hong Kong lim ited a donation o f HK$ 16,000 for the award o f two scholarships o f HK$8,000 each to MBA students in 1988- 89. (7) From Hong Kong Industrial Relations Asso ciation a donation o f HK$3,000 for the award o f a scholarship to an outstanding 4th-year student majoring in Personnel Management in 1988-89. (8) From Hong Kong Institute o f Personnel Manage ment a donation o f HK$3,000 for the award o f a scholarship to a 4th-year student majoring in Personnel Management in 1988-89. (9) From L i Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund: (a) HK$112,000 for the award o f four post graduate scholarships ofHK$28,000 each to outstanding students o f the Graduate School in 1988-89; and (b) HK$ 129,600 for the award o f eighteen scholarships o f HK$7,200 each to under graduate students in 1988-89. (10) From Mr. Tang Hee Wing an annual donation o f HK$4 , 000 for four years from 1988-89 for the award o f two scholarships o f HK$2,000 each to graduate students majoring in clinical psychology. (11) From American-Chinese Youth Science Ex change Programme a donation o f HK$ 1,000 in support o f a research undertaken by Dr. Albert H. Yee o f the Psychology Department. (12) From an anonymous donor a further donation o f HK$5,500 in support o f a research under taken by the Department o f Biochemistry. (13) From Bayer China Company Ltd. a donation o f HK$70,000 (together w ith 10,000 tablets o f medication pills) in support o f a research project jo in tly undertaken by the Departments o f Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Chemi cal Pathology. (14) From Busch Worldwide Property Consultants Ltd. a donation o f HK$ 1,000 towards the 'Hong Kong Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Fund' o f the Department o f Paediatrics. (15) From Cerebos Pacific Limited a further dona tion o f S$50,000 for a research project under taken by Dr. Y.C. Kong o f the Department o f Biochemistry. (16) From Cyanamid (Far East) Ltd.: (a) HK$79,903.13 for research purpose in the Department o f Clinical Oncology; and (b) HK$6,000 to sponsor two staff members o f the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a surgical course in Guangzhou. (17) From Edward Keller Ltd.: (a) HK$40,000 in support o f a clinical trial undertaken by the Department o f Surgery; and (b) a Seca personal scale to the Department o f Paediatrics. (18) From Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation a dona tion o f HK$ 10,000 for collaborative research between the Faculty o f Medicine and the Zhongshan University o f Medical Sciences. 23
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