Bulletin Spring‧Summer, 2008
Benefaction HK$73.8 million for Gerontological Education Programme T he Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has donated HK$73.8 million to the Nethersole School of Nursing to undertake the five-year interdisciplinary and territory-wide CADENZA Training Programme in general and professional gerontological education for the general public, caregivers, and professional social and health care workers working with the aging population in Hong Kong. The kick-off ceremony cum symposium for the CADENZA Training Programme was held on 28 March. Various training activities are offered to different target audiences. HK$18 million for Installation of Latest Robotic Surgical System A n anonymou s HK$18 mi l l i on dona t i on ha s a l l o w e d t h e F a c u l t y o f Medicine to purchase the latest version of the world acclaimed da Vinci® Surgical System for robotically assisted surgery at the University's teaching hospital, the Prince of Wales Hospital, to improve surgical outcomes. This latest version incorporates high definition endoscopic video technology. The surgeon at his control console now sees a superior 3D high definition image of the operating field. Large interactive plasma display panels provide assisting staff with exceptionally clear high contrast images of the same field. Benefaction 63
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