Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
News in Brief Council News * The Chancellor o f the University has reap pointed: (1) Sir Quo-wei Lee as chairman o f the University Council fo r three years from 24th October 1991 upon the expiration o f his current term o f office; and (2) Dr. Peter Poon Wing-cheung as a member o f the University Council for a further period from 1st October 1991 to 19th October 1992. * The University Council has reappointed Dr. Peter Poon Wing-cheung as chairman o f both the Campus Planning and Building Committee and the University Tender Board for a term o f three years from 14th December 1991. New Deans Dean o f Science Prof. Kenneth Young was elected dean o f the Faculty o f Science in October 1991 for a term up to 31st July 1994. Dean o f Engineering Prof. Omar Wing has been elected dean o f the Faculty o f Engineering for a term o f three years from 1st January 1992. Vice-Chancellor's Two-month Trip Overseas Prof. Charles K. Kao made a trip to North America and Europe from 20th July to 20th September 1991 to make contacts with overseas universities and other academic institutions to consolidate or develop linkages with these organizations, and to boost the University's recruitment opportunities by promoting its image overseas. The vice-chancellor's itinerary covered places like Vancouver, Toronto, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, New York, Boston , London and Paris. Over 30 events o f various durations were arranged during the two-month period, including visits to laboratories and research centres and meetings with presidents, chancellors and important academics o f major universities like Havard, Yale, Oxford, the Unive rsity o f London, the University o f B ritish Columbia and the University o f Toronto. Prof. Kao also met with CUHK alumni associations in different cities and attended an international conference on optical communications in Paris. The trip has resulted in new opportunities for the University to extend its linkage with overseas academic institutions, and has generated considerable interest among overseas academics in job openings in CUHK. Department o f Architecture Inaugurated The University's new Department o f Architec ture was formally inaugurated on 8th October 1991. Mr. Graham Barnes, Secretary for Planning, Environ ment and Lands, officiated at the inauguration cer emony, which was attended by government officials, academics and professionals from the architectural field, and the department's first batch o f 52 students. NEWS 25
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