Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991

Profiles D r. Heinz-Peter French Reader in Nursing Born in Dusseldorf, West Germany, Dr. Peter French grew up in the U n ite d K in gd om , and began his career in nursing in his home town o f D a rling ton . As a qualified general nurse and psychiatric nurse, he had ex­ tensive team leadership and head nurse experience in operating theatres. A fter qualifying as a nurse educator at the Royal College o f Nursing and Surrey University, he taught for eight years in general and psychiatric schools o f nursing. He later obtained a degree in social psychology and subsequently became a Chartered Psychologist o f the British Psychologi­ cal Society. Dr. French specialized in education in his doctoral studies. He is particularly interested in nursing curriculum, quality/standards o f care and clinical decision making. Prior to joining the University, Dr. French was head o f continuing education at South Tees Health District and principal lecturer in nursing studies at Teesside Polytechnic (UK). He has been examiner and assessor to the English National Board fo r Nursing, M idw ife ry and Health Visiting, internal examiner fo r the London University Diploma in Nursing (Darlington), and external examiner to the Birmingham Polytechnic Nursing Degree Programme. Dr. French is married, with a son and a daugh­ ter. He loves folk music, particularly that associated w ith the north o f England and the Northumbrian bagpipes. D r. K im Seung Chul Le c tu re r in Operations & Systems Management Dr. K im was bom and raised in Seoul, Korea. A fter gradu­ ating from Seoul National University w ith a BA degree in international relations, he went to the States with his fam ily in the early eighties and undertook M BA studies in the University of Hawaii. Dr. K im recently obtained his Ph.D. degree in decision sciences from the University o f Oregon and joined the CUHK in August 1991. Dr. K im specializes in production and opera­ tions management. He is particularly interested in developing operating guidelines for business firms in the manufacturing sector and the service industry. Dr. K im likes most kinds o f sports. Tennis, bowling and skiing are his favourites. Dr. Lau Chung M ing Lecturer in Organization & Management Dr. Lau Chung M ing re ceived his B.S.Sc (Econ omics) and M B A degrees from The Chinese Univer sity o f Hong Kong and his Ph.D. degree in organiza tional behaviour from Texas A & M U n ive rstiy. Before jo in in g The Chinese University, he worked for an American bank and PROFILES 22