Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1998

Promoting the Proficient Use of Putonghua, Cantonese, and EnglishBeyondUniversityGate I n order to draw public attention to the importance of language education, to create more channels for working adults to improve their language skills, and to provide more language- related researchand teaching materials for public reference,The Chinese University has launched many extramural language programmes, set up a new research centre, produced self-access learning materials, published researchfindings, and organized public forums on language use. Ex t ramural Language Programmes The University's School of Co n t i n u i ng Studies (SCS) runs a comprehensive Chinese language programme, wh i c h offers courses in putonghua for professional use, Chinese w r i t i ng skills, and English to Chinese translation. A new Certificate Programme in Putonghua was launched in autumn 1998 to provide systematic training in putonghua, so that learners can h a n d le jobs r e q u i r i ng the use of p u t o n g h ua i n c ommu n i c a t i o n. The latest a d d i t i o ns are Putonghua for the Service Industry and Putonghua for Tourist Guides. SCS's English Language Programme begins w i t h general English and ends w i t h English for examinations. It also includes practical or specialized English courses wh i ch function to enhance the listening, reading, speaking, and w r i t i ng abilities of learners f r om different professions. N e w ly launched courses include the Foundational Level Certificate Programme for Business English Communication, Reading w i t h a Critical Eye, Speak w i t h Confidence, and Impressions are Important—Social English. The Certificate Course in Management Communication launched by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business in 1997 is tailored for experienced business executives. Not only does it function to strengthen their speaking and writing abilities so that they can handle their jobs more effectively, but it also equips t h em w i t h a level of language ability that allows them to engage in further business studies. The Certificate Programme in Putonghua in Education, j o i n t ly organized by the Faculty of Education, the N ew Asia Ya l e - i n - Ch i na Chinese Language Centre, and the H o ng K o ng Institute of Educational Research, aims to advance the putonghua proficiency of educational professionals, teachers, and specialists for the teaching of p u t o n g h ua i n p r i m a ry a nd secondary schools. It also aims to train language teachers for schools wh i ch plan to use putonghua as the me d i um of instruction. Chinese University Bulletin Autumn . Winter 1998 12