Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1995
Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 1995 Advisory Committee on Chinese University Bulletin Dr. Joseph M. Chan Dr. Chiang Ying-ho Mrs. Ho Wan Siu-wan Prof. C.Y. Lee Mr. Jacob Leung Prof. Andrew Parkin Ms. Amy Yui Editorial Staff Editor: Ms. Amy K . Y . Leung Assistant Editors: Ms. K. Lee Ms. Florence Chan Mrs. Shalini B. Bahadur Design: Ms. May Mui Production: Miss Stella Lai © The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1995 Address all correspondence to the Publication O f f i c e , CUHK, Sha Tin, N . T . , Hong Kong. C O N T E N T S 2 Striking a Ma j or Chord in Hong Kong: A Yale- CUHK Venture in Piano Benefits 11 Young Asian Pianists 4 World Computer Chess Championship Held in Hong Kong for the First Time: Tournament Shows the Potential of Computer Science 6 CUHK Students Do the Varsity Proud • Row to Victory • Accountancy Graduates Top HKSA/ACCA Exams • Winning a Debate in Putonghua • Works of Two MFA Graduates Exhibited 9 The EMBA Programme and Its First Graduates By Mm Kin-chok, director, Executive MBA Programme 12 1995: An Important Year in the History of Pharmacy in Hong Kong By L.A. Damani, chairman, Department of Pharmacy 16 Research Newsboard 18 At the Limits of Grammar: Learning English as a Second Language in Schools 21 Signal Transduction in Macrophages 24 Corporate Finance and Dividend Policies: Research Focus on Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region 27 Profiles 29 News in Brief 34 Gifts and Donations Cover: As the new academic year begins (From top: 1. Orientation camp 2. Training for intervarsity rowing competition 3. Winning the rowing competition 4. Orientation day for sixth-formers 5. Sixth- formers visiting the campus 6. Information Technology Fair)
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