Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2002
A Collegiate University— U n i q u e in Hong Kong Dr. Choh-Ming Li The First Six Years 1963-1969 ‘ In 1963, the [Fulton] Commission recommended that "a federal university should be established in Hong Kong, incorporating as foundation colleges, Chung Chi College, N ew Asia College, and The United College of Hong Kong"... ‘ Based on this [Fultons] Report, the Government of Hong Kong passed the Chinese University of Ho ng Kong Or d i nan ce in September 1963 under which The Chinese University of Hong Kong became a legal entity on October 17, 1 9 6 3… ., Dr. Choh-Ming Li (left 2) with the presidents of the foundation colleges: Dr. Ch'ien Mu (left 1), Dr. C.T. Yung (left 3) and Mr. T.C. Cheng (left 4) (1960s) The foundation stone laying ceremony of Chung Chi's new campus in Ma Liu Shui (May 1956) Catching the train: A scene at the KCR University Station in the 1960s, then Ma Liu Shui Station 4 Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2002
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