Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991

China by the Department o f Medicine. (46) From Chou's Foundation HK$20,000 to set up a student campus work scheme in 1990-91. (47) From Mr. Fan Che On HK$20,000 to sponsor activities in celebration o f the 25th anniversary o f the Department o f Journalism and Com­ munication. (48) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) HK$60,000 to sponsor two staff members o f the Department o f Surgery to attend a congress in Sydney, Australia; (b) HK$57,726 to sponsor a staff member of the Department o f Surgery to attend a conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA; and (c) HK$30,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend a scientific meeting in Portugal. (49) From Hoechst China Ltd. HK$40,000 to spon sor two staff members o f the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a con gress in Paris, France. (50) From Hong Kong Student Travel Ltd. and Hong Kong Overseas Studies Centre an annual donation o f HK$10,000 for members o f the CUHK Student Union Executive Committee to participate in international conferences, training programmes/camps and exchange programmes overseas, and to visit overseas universities. (51) From Howmedica International HK$27,871 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology to attend a training course in Couchevel, France. (52) From IC I (China) Ltd. HK$6,000 for the weekly cardiac seminars organized by the Department o f Medicine. (53) From D r . David S.H. Leong HK$50,000 for the training o f Chinese eye doctors at the Depart ment o f Surgery. (54) From M ing Yu Foundation HK$234,000 to New Asia College. (55) From the organizing committee o f the Tokyo PAF Symposium ¥ 120,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a symposium on allergic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Tokyo, Japan. (56) From Oriental Daily News Charitable Fund Association HK$2,050 for the Renal Unit of the Department o f Medicine. (57) From Pharmacia Far East Ltd. HK$30,000 for the Journal Club and the biweekly clinical meeting for 1991 organized by the Eye Unit of the Department o f Surgery. (58) From Roche Asian Research Foundation: (a) HK$3,000 for the monthly seminars and clinical trials organized by the Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research; and (b) HK$4,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department o f Anaesthesia and Inten­ sive Care to attend a scientific meeting in Sydney, Australia. (59) From Sandoz Pharmaceuticals to the Depart­ ment o f Medicine: (a) HK$17,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend a scientific meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA; and (b) HK$9,326 to sponsor a staff member to attend a congress in New Orleans, USA. (60) From Shell Hong Kong Ltd. HK$35,400 to sponsor six students to participate in an outward bound diploma course. (61) From UWS Insurance Co. Ltd. HK$30,000 for the Japan and Asia-Pacific Development Pro­ gramme o f the Hong Kong Institute o f Asia- Pacific Studies. (62) From various donors HK$1,553,870.45 and US$60 towards the Children's Cancer Fund of the Department o f Paediatrics. (63) From various donors HK$543,775.20 towards the Hong Kong Paediatric Bone M a rrow Transplant Fund o f the Department o f Pae diatrics. (64) From various donors donations and gifts to talling HK$1,148,405.80 to Chung Chi College. (65) From M r. W ilson T.S. Wang HK$900,000 towards the W ilson T.S. Wang Conference Fund o f the Department o f Surgery. (66) From Mr. Wong Bing Lai HK$500,000 for the nursing degree programme o f the Faculty of Medicine. (67) From Ms. 王 錦全 HK$3,000 to the University Library for the acquisition o f books. (68) From Wyeth (HK) Limited HK$ 15,000 to spon­ sor a postgraduate student o f the Department o f Paediatrics to receive training in the UK about calcium nutrition in children. (69) From Epson Hong Kong Ltd. an Epson L3s laptop computer for a research project under­ taken by D r. Stephen L .W . Tang o f the Department o f Sociology. (70) From Mrs. Sharon Bond 13 books to the reading room o f Shaw College. GIFTS & DONATIONS