Bulletin Spring‧Summer Autumn‧Winter 1999
Research Newsboard HK$50 Mi l l i on from the R G C f o r 9 1 R e s e a r c h P r o j e c ts N i ne t y - one research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of this un i v e r s i ty have succeeded in obtaining earmarked grants totalling HK$49,947,000 from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. Last year's figures were 57 projects and HK$29,614,000. For 1994-95 the government has made available a total of $260 million to sevenUPGC-funded local tertiary institutions for research proposes: $57.6 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects; $9.4 m i l l i on for central allocation to strengthen the research base of these institutions; and $192.8 m i l l i on for 371 selected research proposals submitted by the academic and research personnel in the seven institutions. A research project to create a computerized database of the entire body of extant traditional Chinese texts of the Wei-Jin and the Northern a n d Southern dynasties proposed b y Prof. D.C. Lau and Dr. F.C. Chen of the University's Institute of Chinese Studies has been g r an t ed $2.1 million, the highest allocation figure this year for a single project. The 91 CUHK proposals fall into nine different areas: administrative, business and social studies (17); arts and languages (4); b i o l og i c al sciences (11 ); computer science, i n f o rma t i on technology and mathematics (17); education ⑵; electrical and electronic engineering (10); medicine (13); physical sciences (12 ); and pure mathematics (5). Six CU Research Projects Rated Excellent The Research Grants Council (RGC) completed in June 1994 its first-round assessment of research projects launched by local tertiary institutions and financed by the council's earmarked grants. Reports of 74 completed projects had been submitted to RGC panel members and reviewers for assessment earlier this year, and 30 of them received ratings m June. Nine projects were rated as 'excellent' and among them six were CUHK projects. The r ema i n i ng three came f r om HKU , H o ng K o ng Polytechnic and Baptist College. The six outstanding CUHK projects are Project Title 1. A computerized database of the entire body of extant Han and pre-Han traditional Chinese texts 2. Design, synthesis, and structural characterization of novel inclusion compounds 3. Laser interactions with micrometer size droplets and fibres 4. Anatomical, biochemical and physiological studies of brain transplants 5. From print to sound and meaning 6. Signal transduction in PU5-1.8 and normal macrophage ceils Principal Investigators Prof. D.C. Lau Dr. F.C. Chen Prof. Thomas C.W. Mak Dr. T.L. Chan Dr. H.M. Lai Prof. K. Young Dr. L.S. Jen* Dr. D.S.C. Tsang Prof. Liu In Mao* Dr. May J. Chen* Dr. Chen Hsuan-chih Prof. C.Y. Lee Dr. Y.M. Choy Dr. K.P. Fung * No longer CUHK staff member Highlights of Five New Research Projects To generate more interest in the University's research activities, the Chinese University Bulletin continues to bring to readers highlights of more research projects supported by RGC earmarked grants. The Bulletin has worked closely w i th the principal investigators of five projects to explain their research objectives, procedures, and achievements in terms comprehensible to the lay person. The five reports can be found on pages 11 to 24. Research 10
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