Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2003
New Buildings Officially Unveiled Three Facilities on Ch u ng Chi Campus Formally Op e n ed Three new buildings on the Chung Chi campus 一 the Esther Lee Building, the Lee Hysan Concert Hall, and the Chung Chi College Administration Building 一 were officially opened on 9th December 2002. Dr. the Honourable Donald Tsang, acting chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, officiated at the ceremony. Other dignitaries on the platform included Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, Secretary for Education and Manpower; Dr. Lee Hon-chiu, chairman of the University Council; Prof. Ambrose King, vice- chancellor of the University; Mr. Karl Kwok, chairman of the Board of Trustees, Chung Chi College; Prof. Rance Lee, head of Chung Chi College; Prof. Daniel Law, dean of arts, and four representatives of the Lee Hysan Foundation and the Lee Family: Dr. Deana Lee Rudgard, Mr. Peter T.C. Lee, Mr. Lee Chien, and Mr. Michael T.H. Lee. The Esther Lee Building (below) is a 12-storey teaching block with a total construction area of around 14,400 square metres. It houses four well-equipped lecture theatres and a state-of-the-art concert hall. The building is home to the Department of Economics, the Nethersole School of Nursing, as well as a number of research institutes, laboratories, and centres. The relationship between the late Dr. Esther Yewpick Lee and the University dates back to some 40 years ago when Dr. Lee's husband, Dr. Richard Charles Lee, played an active role in the planning of the University as vice-chairman of the Provisional Council. He subsequently served as vice-chairman of the Council of CUHK for some 20 years. To give permanent recognition to the contributions made by the Lee family over the past four decades, including a bountiful bequest of some $140 million from Dr. Esther Lee for the development of CUHK, the new teaching block is named the Esther Lee Building. Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 2003 28
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