Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999
The Vice- Chancellors' and Presidents' Forum on Global Tertiary Education Development The heads of 47 prestigious universities from different parts of the world gathered at the University from 19th to 22nd April 1999 to explore the developments of global tertiary education at the Vice- Chancellors' and Presidents' Forum sponsored by the Association of University Presidents of China and organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The forum was one of the largest of its kind in Hong Kong in recent years. Opening Ceremony A Gathering of Distinguished Guests O f f i c i a t i ng at the open i ng ceremony were the Honourable Tung Chee Hwa (left 2), Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR); Dr. Wei Yu (front right 2), vice-minister of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China; Dr. Yang Fujia (right 1), f ound i ng president of the Association of Universit y Presidents of China; and Dr. Lee Hon-chi u (left 1), chairman of The Chinese Universit y Council. Distinguished guests included Mr. Wang Feng-chao, vice-chairman of the Hong Kong Branch of the Xinhua News Agency; Mr. Chu Zhi-nong, head of the Agency's Education and Science Department; the Honourable Andrew Li Kwok-nang, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal; the Honourable Mrs. Rit a Fan, President of the Legislative Council; and Dr. Alice Lam, chair of the University Grants Committee. Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 1999 24
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