Bulletin No. 2, 2011

News in Brief   47  Conference on Transnationalism in East Asia Organized by the Department of Sociology and the Faculty of Social Science, the international conference on ‘The Nation and Citizen in Transformation: Mak ing and Unmak ing of Transnationalism in East Asia’ was held on 6 and 7 May 2011. T h e c o n f e r e n c e b r o u g h t together 13 scholars from world-renowned universities and academic institutes in the US, Europe, Asia and Hong Kong to examine the transformations of the nation and citizenship in East Asia in response to regional and global dynamics. Academia Sinica Academicians Visit CUHK To establish closer partnership with Academia Sinica (AS), CUHK launched t he f i r s t A S Ac ad emi c i an s V i s i t Programme. Under the programme, three academicians from AS visited CUHK from 3 to 6 May 2011 for academic exchange. They were Prof. Wang Fan-sen (left), vice-president of AS; Prof. Tao Jing-shen (centre), fellow of its Institute of History and Philology; and Prof. Hsing I-tien (right), distinguished research fellow at the same institute. Strategic Summit of State Key Lab in Oncology in South China The State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China (SKL) Strategic Summit was held on 16 April 2011. Twenty key investigators from CUHK and Sun Yat-sen University gathered in Shenzhen, exchanging research ideas and identifying collaborative projects for the next five years. The summit was an occasion to review the progress of the SKL and to do strategic planning in preparation for the next evaluation by the Ministry of Science and Technology.