Bulletin No. 2, 2011

4   Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2011 A Knowledge Transfer Culture P rof. Henry N.C. Wong , CUHK Pro-Vice- Chancellor, said, ‘The term “knowledge transfer” (KT) emerged in recent years. It encompasses both technology and non- technology transfer. Since the inception of the University, staff members have engaged in KT activities by undertaking commissioned research, licensing patent rights to corporations for produc t development, or providing professional advice.’ CUHK adopted a ‘ Po li c y on Re s ea rch, Consultancies and Intellectual Property’ in 1995 to clarify the ownership of intellectual property arising from different kinds of work done by its staff members. It also approved a set of ‘Further Guidelines on Patents and Licensing’ in July 1997 to delineate the distribution of gross proceeds from the licensing of patents or technologies. Yearly since 2009, the UGC has allocated the recurrent funding for KT to eight tertiary institutions. Professor Wong pointed out that the University is pleased to receive the additional support and in 2009, it set up the Knowledge Transfer Unit. To promote and broaden efforts at KT, CUHK re-organized the Technology Licensing Office and Knowledge Transfer Unit to establish the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) in March 2011. The KTO is responsible for knowledge transfer, intellectual property rights management, technology development, and contract issues. The University’s Third Mission HK$ 249 M Income generated from KT activities in 2010–11 68 Number of patents granted in 2010–11 305 Patents granted to CUHK over the years Prof. Henry N.C. Wong