Bulletin No. 2, 2012
22 Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2012 T he Chinese University held its Eleventh Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony on 14 May on campus. Six distinguished persons closely associated with the University were conferred honorary fellowships in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. Prof. Chang Shu-ting Emeritus Professor of Biology at CUHK, w o r l d - r e n o w n e d expert in mycology, Professor Chang has devoted himself to promoting mushroom biology all his life. He is currently the director of the Hong Kong Microbiological Resources Centre sponsored by UNESCO, and also the director of the Centre for International Services to Mushroom Biotechnology under the aegis of UNIDO. He joined CUHK in 1960 and has made significant contributions by serving in different positions, including Dean of Science and chairman of the Department of Biology. Mr. Fung Siu-to Clement Cha i rma n o f A s i a Standard International G r o u p L i m i t e d , and cha irman and executive director of Asia Orient Holdings L imi t ed , Mr. Fung has served in various public capacities in Hong Kong and on the mainland. Currently, he is a member of the University Council and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Shaw College. Mr. Fung has generously supported various worthy causes, including scholarships, sports and student amenities of Shaw College, and set up a community service project to support students who render services to underprivileged groups. Eleventh Honorary Fellowship Conferment Ceremony
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