Bulletin No. 2, 2012
10 Chinese University Bulletin No. 2, 2012 T he focal event of the 50th anniversary, ‘CU50 • Care’ brings to the public’s attention the University’s core values and missions. It encourages all University members to reach out to the community in 2013 by contributing their time, professionalism and strength. ‘CU50 • Care’ urges CUHK members to support the disadvantaged and the needy by pledging to the following: • The University to undertake 50 voluntary service programmes in the year 2013 • Each CUHK member to contribute 50 hours of voluntary service in 2013 on a personal basis • CUHK memb e r s t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e ‘CU50 • Care Team’ as a token of commitment to society and the University The programme will be officially launched at the 50th anniversary kick-off ceremony on 27 January 2013. The concerted effort of an alumni body of 150,000, some 20,000 students, and close to 7,000 staff members of CUHK will surely have a great impact on the community. Reaching Out to the Community 1949 Foundng of New Asia College 1951 Founding of Chung Chi College 1956 Founding of United College 1961 The Hong Kong Government appointed a University Preparatory Committee to advise on sites and buildings for The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Chung Chi College, New Asia College, and United College as constituent Colleges. 1962 Establishment of Fulton Commission
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