Bulletin No. 1, 2010

Intellectual Cross-currents  49 Former Japanese Vice-Minister on a Nuke-free World O n 22 October 2009, Mr. Masayoshi Hamada, Japan’s former Vice- Minister for Foreign Affairs (2006–2007) and a member of the House of Councillors, gave a public lecture on ‘Peace-building Towards a Nuclear Weapons-Free World—Working with the Citizens of the World’ on campus. M r. H ama d a p r e s e n t e d t h e n ew movements for nuclear disarmament, including the Ottawa Process , the Oslo Process , the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol , and the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Declaration . Then he shared his proposal on the ‘New Hiroshima-Nagasaki Process’ and offered options for immediate action. Microsoft Chief Officer on Future of Computing M r. Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer of Microsoft Corporation, shared his vision for the future of computing with over 400 academics and students at CUHK on 16 November 2009. Mr. Mundie talked about the technologies that will change how people interact with the world, and discussed the opportunities for every academic discipline to harness the power of computing. He also demonstrated and showcased a number of advanced technologies, including spatial computing, anticipatory computing, 3D and natural user interfaces. Mr. Mundie described how when combined, they will create changes, positively impacting important global issues such as education, health care, energy and the environment.