Bulletin No. 1, 2010
Grand Slam for Rowing Team at Intervarsity Championships C UHK d e f ea t ed HKU t o w i n t he 23 r d Intervarsity Rowing Championships for both the men’s and women’s teams on 13 September 2009. The day began with the women’s 1,500m race and ended with the men’s 3,000m. The CUHK rowing team won both, capturing the grand slam at the event. Accountancy Graduates Sweep Top Awards in Exam G raduates from the BBA in Professional Accountancy Programme won all top awards in the latest Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Qualification Programme (QP) Examination held in June 2009. In total, nine CUHK graduates seized 13 top prizes in the QP module examinations held in 2008 and 2009. The seven top prize winners were all accounting graduates. They were: Miss Wong Hau-yan (1st left, top prize in financial management module); Mr. Yeung Tin-wai (2nd left, top prize in taxation module); Miss Jing Chui-suen (2nd right, gold, Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize); Mr. Chan Zhong-wai (1st right, silver); Miss Chan Wai-yi (bronze); Miss Li Pui-in (3rd left, ICAWE/Simon Morris Memorial Prize) and Mr. But Ho-chun (3rd right, ICAEW/ Simon Morris Memorial, December 2008 session). 34 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2010
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