Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2010–2017)
28 中文大學校刊 Chinese University Bulletin | 特刊 Special Supplement 今 天你們畢業了,今天也是我畢 業了。……從2010年上任至今, 我經歷了各種挑戰,包括大學 學制改革、人事更替、學術競爭、校園爭 議,以至社會動盪,走到今天總算是一個 段落。回想我們一起在百萬大道上觀看 世界盃決賽,在烽火台烙下不少難忘片 段,我感受良多。 臨別依依,來到這一天,你學到些甚麼? 我學到些甚麼? 你應該學到:看問題的方法多於一種。站 在森林裏,我們不應以偏概全,只着眼於 一棵樹而忘記整片樹林。 我學到了:有許多意見和忠告我應該聽 取。我應該集思廣益,憑良心下決定。 世事不能單看表面,科學範式、政治爭 議、道德問題,以至人際關係等都可循 多方面了解、詮釋。大家應該安坐、深呼 吸、冷靜下來才下結論。 T oday is your graduation day and my graduation day as well … Since 2010 when I took office, I have taken on a number of challenges, such as the curriculum reform, personnel turnover, academic upgrading, campus controversies and social unrest. A period ends here. The things I did with you under the water towers and on the University Mall such as watching the World Cup final together will always live in my heart. At the end of this journey, let us ask ourselves: What have you learned? What have I learned? You should have learned: there are more than one way to view things. Standing in a forest, one should not just see one single tree and miss the rest of the forest. I have learned: there are many opinions that I should listen to and advice that I should heed. After listening from all sides, I can follow my conscience to arrive at a decision. Things are usually not as simple as they appear. Whether it be a scientific paradigm, a political debate, an ethical issue or just an interpersonal relationship, there are often many ways to read, to interpret and to establish a view. Before you jump to a conclusion, you should sit down, take a deep breath, ‘tie your shoes’ before you settle on a resolution. 在2017年11月16日舉行的第八十三屆大會(頒授學位典禮)上,沈祖堯教授最後一次以校長身分向 畢業生講話,殷殷互勉,言辭懇切。 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung spoke to the graduates in the capacity of Vice-Chancellor for the last time at the 83rd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 16 November 2017. His farewell message was one of sincere encouragement, both for the students and himself. 話別 P arting Message
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