Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013
of physics, and created a spirit of doubt and skepticism in the scientific world concerning the universality of all the great conservation laws. Professor Yang has since won recognition and honours from all over the world. Dr. Yang visited the three Foundation Colleges of the University and staff members had an opportunity to meet him and hold discussions with him. On Wednesday afternoon, December 30, 1964, at the invitation of the Chinese University, he gave a public lecture on "What is Modern High Energy Physics” in the Concert Hall of the City Hall. The Hall, with its seating accommodation for 1400, was packed to capacity long before the start of the lecture. Thousands had to be turned away. It was an occasion that will long be remembered here in Hong Kong and cherished in the hearts of all Chinese. Volunm Two • August 1965 • Number Two A The Yale Glee Club and its Director Fenno Heath visited New Asia College yesterday morning, where they were greeted by student representatives, Yale-in-China personnel and some of the College Staff. At the auditorium of the College, they sang beautifully to an appreciative audience of students and College staff, and were in turn entertained by the New Asia Chinese Music Society and the Music Club. They had lunch with students and staff of the College. LAOTIAN SPECIAL STUDENTS Volumn Two • October 1965 • Number Three Three Laotian students would be coming to Hong Kong to study at the New Asia College of The Chinese University. They are sent over by the Ministry of Education of the Royal Government of Laos on govern- ment scholarships and are selected among the best students who recently completed their Secondary Schools. The Chinese University is admitting these students as associate students who would be allowed to take courses offered to regular students of the University. FIRST EXTRA-MURAL COURSE Volumn One • February 1965 • Number Eight The first course to be organized by the Department of Extra-Mural Studies will begin on April 7 at United College. It will be an "Introductory Course on Modern Mathematics” given by Dr. S.T. Tsou, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Board of Studies in Mathematics. The course will be given every Wednesday from 5:15 to 7:15 p.m. for twenty weeks. The purpose of the course is to acquaint school teachers with the teaching of "modern" mathematics, which has now been introduced into secondary schools. GIFT FROM JAPAN Volumn One • March 1965 • Number Nine An official ceremony was held on March 8 at the Central Office of the University where the Japanese Consul-General in Hong Kong, Mr. Kinya Niiseki, presented a collection of books to the libraries of the Foundation Colleges. Dr. Choh-Ming Li, the Vice-Chancellor, accepted the gift in the presence of the Presidents of the three Foundation Colleges. The collection of books, totaling 487 volumes, was one of a series of gifts given by the Japanese Govern- ment to the new University. In July last year, the Japanese Government invited a delegation from the University, led by Dr. Li, to visit universities and institutes in Japan. In the same year a two-year scholarship was given to a tutor of the University to study at the University of Kyoto. Presentation of Books from Japan (l. to r. Dr. C. T. Yungof Chung Chi College, the Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Kinya Niiseki, Mr. T. C. Cheng of United College, Dr. Ou Tsuin-ckenof New Asia College.) 2
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