Bulletin Offprints(II) Printed with No. 2, 2013
October, 1963 when the University was established and before the appointment of the First Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-Ming Li. Dr. Choh-Ming Li, in announcing the above appoint- ment, expressed the University's warm appreciation of Dr. Yung's service, especially during the time before he himself assumed the office of the First Vice-Chancel- lorship. Mr. T.C. Cheng is not a stranger to Hong Kong Educational and Government circles. After receiving his B.A. degree from the University of Hong Kong in 1939, Mr. Cheng began his public service with the Education Department. He went to England in 1947 to pursue post-graduate studies at the Institute of Education of the University of London, and was awarded the Diploma in Educa- tion and the degree of Master of Arts. Returning to Hong Kong in 1949, he continued to serve with the Education Department as an Inspector of Schools. During this period, he taught at the University of Hong Kong and the Teacher Training Colleges. He was twice Chairman of the Education Society of the University of Hong Kong during the post-war years. From 1954, Mr. Cheng was transferred to the Ad- ministrative Service and served in various Govern- ment Departments as District Officer in the New Territories Administration, Planning Officer in the Resettlement Department, Administrative Officer in the Commerce and Industry Department, etc. Mr. Cheng's last administrative appointment before re- turning to educational service was that of Chief As- sistant Secretary for Chinese Affairs. Mr. Cheng assumed duty as President of the United College in January 1963. UNIVERSITY DEANS OF FACULTIES Volumn Two • December 1965 • Number Five In accordance with The Chinese University Ordin- ance, the teaching staff of the university has for the first time elected a Dean for each of the three Fa- culties of Arts, Science, and Commerce and Social Science. Since many of the professorships and readerships are yet to be appointed, the Senate has resolved that the tenure of office for the Deans du- ring this early period of university development will be one year. Professor Tang Chun-i, Dean of Arts Prof. Tang received his B.A. from National Central University in 1932 and then stayed on in his alma mater as Lecturer from 1936-1937. He taught for two years as Lecturer at West China University from 1937-1939. From 1940-1944, he was Associate Pro- fessor at National Central University and was then made Professor in 1944. He stayed in the said uni- versity until 1949. In the meantime he also taught at Nanking University and Kiang-nan University as Part-time Professor and Professor, respectively. In 1949, he came to Hong Kong and joined New Asia College where he held the post of Senior Lecturer until 1964. From 1953-1960, he served as a Part-time Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong. From 1959 to date, he has been serving as Head of the De- partment of Philosophy & Sociology and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at New Asia College. Since 1939 he has been a member of the Philosophical Association of China. In 1959 and 1964 he was a panel member of East-West Philosophers Conference. In 1964 he was appointed Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He presented a paper on 'The Development of Ideas of Spiritual Values in Chinese Philosophy' to the East and West Philosophers Conference in 1959. His book 'Philosophy and Culture East and West, was published by the Hawaii University Press in 1963. Other articles published in the New Asia Journal are: ‘Hsuntzu's Rectification of Names and Three Schools of Logical Thought in Pre-Chin Philosophy', 'Six Meanings of Li in the Development of Chinese Philoso- phy', Discourse on the Theories of Mind as Pro- pounded by Meng Tzu, Chuan Tzu, Motzu and Hsun Tzu', ‘The Development of Heavenly Mendate in Chinese Thought of Pre-Chin Period' , and 'An Inter- pretation of Argument in Hsiao Chu Chapter of Motze'. Dr. S.T. Tsou, Dean of Science A graduate of the Department of Mathematics of the National Sun Yat-Sen University, Dr. Tsou joined the faculty of his alma mater in 1939 and be- 6
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